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Everything posted by Nobu

  1. Nobu

    YACHIIIIIIIIIIIIII who's that on ur avatar o.o

  2. Nobu

    Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

    Maybe try daemonlit to extract? Or whatever it's called, since I want missing anything myself o.o
  3. ^ gonna get killed by nobu because I R code geass fan
  4. I did say saber would win did I not. U can't be doubting Confucius. Since I don't know about either of them, I guess I'll randomly pick one o.o
  5. ...a warm Christmas...it's okay I'll give u another one What did the boy with no hands get for his birthday? A) B) O.o too mean? Lol the nun one mindfucked me
  6. O_O u sharped ur english through subs? i lost my touch through it =/ and gained some pretty bad influences if i do say so myself
  7. ^Obviously less guilty as me, how could i have mistaken ...YEAH RIGHT!
  8. Best way to learn japanese (not traditionally as in not knowing the punctuations and grammers that matter) is to spend the rest of your life watching anime.
  9. Air Gear is reaching final!? I stopped around 300 something, right now the only worth ones of my time is Air Gear/TWGOK/ and Breakers New Wave.
  10. My Daily Joke: What did the Hobo get for Christmas? ...was that too mean?
  11. Hmmm Sanae...sexy, but i dont remember her inviting him 2 a date O_O, i must replay that shizz, in anycase, atleast we know that a full patch is on it's way, i'd rather be surprised.
  12. Nobu

    School Days

    Wtf I'm being used as a betting chip?!
  13. ^ healin- (nm, I just shot him again.)
  14. Helllllll nahhhhhh braths hellll nahhhhhh
  15. Fk it im going with saber, gotta stick with her to the end!
  16. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MISAKI WON... Anyways...who to pick who to pick?...probably Kurisu since saber is too dense
  17. I was watching one of his interviews about him first coming to America to do films, he said he met someone who was really good at stunts and asked him how he did it; the guy replied, " I jump 1 feet, then they press a few buttons and wala, I just jumped over a building, how do you do it Jackie?" He replies : " easy, they call action, I jump, they call cut, and then I go to hospital." lolololol
  18. Yeah and because he didn't need stunt doubles he was so awesome
  19. Wait wait, I just read that he's not retiring as a whole but only from doing his famous stunts still sad but if he's still acting IDGAF
  20. JACKIE CHAN SAID HE'S RETIRING :(:( He was the only reason I was proud to be Chinese....not even Confucius can be as good as Jackie was...
  21. Oh I see, ARE U BLACK DAMMIT?!?!?!!?'
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