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Everything posted by Whitetragedy

  1. It works...but it's stuck on the top left corner of my screen. Are there any other options you selected?
  2. Poor guy, GIVE THE MAN HIS FIRST LOLI! Pick any visual novel from this list Tag: Loli Heroine
  3. Is there a way to play it in windowed mode in 32-bit?
  4. Hmm, I scanned the Duel Savior Complete Patch with Avira and Duel Savior.exe was flagged. So is this false positive?
  5. k I get the picture. Voice > Sex scene Btw: Regret being late(or early) for the party cause the game torrent is turtling along at 44 kb/s where I usually max at 2700 kb/s
  6. Kinda confused on the patches. There's the Über-Torrent patch, Justice Only patch, Additional Destiny Voices/Sounds patch. What's the difference between the uber patch and the Justice only patch? Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but we download Duel Savior Justice PC. Then the Uber Patch replaces the CG and voices with those from Destiny. NO SEX SCENE So what's the benefit of playing Justice with Destiny patch instead of just playing the regular justice?
  7. This is why I regret not paying attention to those Chinese classes my parents forced me to take a long time ago
  8. Well, it's good they don't want to release a translation that crashes left and right.
  9. Ryu, can you provide a bit more context? Is this about the Aroduc's "Chinchilla wrangling" ?
  10. Assuming that it means that they are fixing the last few bugs, it won't be long before they finally release the name of the visual novel. Can't wait >_
  11. Oh wow it's still there, thought they removed it already >_> "Consensual Sex Involving Tentacles" Chicken Sandwich anyone?
  12. I saw the girl in the 4th picture on vndb and though "Alien? WTF" cause there's something wrong with the body proportions.
  13. It isn't being translated, unless someone just started the project or is a hidden project.
  14. Is the card game like the one in Princess Waltz? What is it like?
  15. loli + card game, I'd hit that. (In more than one way:cool:) But the opening is making me hesitate... the song... just isn't my type... the main character has a penis shaped aura... around his sword(not his lower sword).
  16. So I'm in the Alpha and if anyone wants to join me then fill out the forum. *While closed beta is only weekends, Alpha is 24/7
  17. Don't know if anyone mentioned this yet, but the guy doing Period finished translating the Mini Story Disc and updated to patch 7.1. Now I can say that I 100% cleared Period.
  18. There's always machine translation...
  19. Dat crossdressing shota, I bet there's an imouto shota route in the VN version.
  20. Wow, guess I'm missing out. 0.0 Does the VN contain the Afterstory or is it anime only?
  21. Watched Clannad, didn't watch After Story, all I remember from Clannad is that it has something to do with starfishes and kick combos. Should I play the visual novel?
  22. Oh wow, thought I was the only one. Though it wasn't like a hard penis, my right wrist started to ache and stiffen up after a few games... actually now that I think about it, the penis metaphor is a pretty good way to describe it.
  23. Pretty sure games made by Illusion are 3-D. Though I never played any games made by them~ List of Illusion Software Developed_games - Giant Bomb
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