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Status Updates posted by Kamidori

  1. yes , yess i am

  2. life used to suck but it's better now with my sora love pillow and vocaloid \o/

  3. well ok , tell me when u r free , and i dotn really care if u cant write good english ,we r friends

  4. do you use skype? cause it usually takes ages for you to reply lol

  5. nah , we just stream on skype and watch it together

  6. masao , u want to watch it together with me and max?(maxar)

  7. bro , i've been head over heels for vocaloid lately , and probably for life , vocaloid is so awesome that i've decided to be a virgin meister for life for vocaloid . i was wondering if we could watch some vocaloid concerts together *lolis forever*


  9. well , i just randomly appear in SB and lurk for interesting threads in the forum ,usually u can find me in the SB

  10. the VN is too depressing + emo + sumika , lolz though i forced myself to finish it

  11. i totally understand why u drop MLA lolz

  12. hoshimemo is a really good moege

  13. i dont know what to think about this profile pic..


    but bishies arent my targets for mah tissue attack(still he doesnt have a 6-pack , man i hate those)

  14. it's more like u r just assuming things

  15. well , i talked to him yesterday , so i know that he understands me


    still, what's SB?

  16. SB? wtf? what's this?


    well , if u really want to know what hunter thinks about me , just talk to him privately and u see

  17. i dont really care , but just dont spout random things while im talking with BDG man , it's like u have nothing to do and just troll . btw im just expressing my thoughts , pushing it to other?-doing this shit is pointless

  18. anyways i have some advice , plz keep your insults to yourself , it's starting to get annoying

  19. holy shitz , that's impossible!!!

  20. btw , visit the moe vs story thread and give your opnions lolz

  21. well yachi, it's a shame that i didnt get to talk to neko much but it was good enough to hear her stutter and ...that she's actually a girl....... i hope there's a chance to talk to her... u dont get to experience RL moe like this.. anyway thanks

  22. i dont get why some of u think the way i play eroge is stupid. yes im immature , im 18 and i act like a fking kid but hey , eroge made me like that . i play eroge for moe , story is just something second and some1 here bitch about that. well i love 2D girls more than anything , imagine staring at some ugly 2D girl in a VN/eroge(well , visual novels for u story types who doesnt understand beyond the story) , or u get some shit faced real girfriend and we have to deal with that for days,weeks , how does that make u feel?.calling me stupid and a newb just bcuz my priority is moe is just insulting to me . im a kid but when it comes to 2D girls , im confident that no 1 here is a match for me.im an idiot who loves moe so ye , i will stop visiting this pointless shoutbox

  23. pm me sometime on shooutbox , and sorry for the late message , internet lost connection for 2 days , wifi problems

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