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10 GoodAbout Sinshlad
Junior Member
Woah. Harsh call man. My ordering is almost the opposite something like Kotomi>=Fuuko>Nagisa>Kyou/Ryou>Tomoyo (this is of course, ignoring After Story), not that any of the routes rank particularly low regardless, they're all reasonably good. I did end up choosing Haqua regardless though, but the pick between her and Kyou wasn't particularly easy.
And you believed them when they said that? Really? It was released on April Fools, and they've sinced released an update that fixes it. The patch wouldn't even contain said images anyway, so they're not legally responsible for their distribution in any way. There's no way it was anything other than an April Fools prank, believing otherwise is just silly.
Yeah, there's images that were replaced entirely as an April fools joke. Meaning instead of your typical censored H-graphics, you instead get a picture of some Dolphins. Deleting the folder just removes those images so you get the original sex images as you're meant to. I think the latest update to the patch fixes it as well.
This is a pretty reasonable description of him, yeah. He quite successfully takes the award for "Most worthless sack of shit in anything ever" in my books. His character ruins what was otherwise a reasonably enojoyable game for me.
If I remember right it was just a standard mounting of Discs, installing the game, then copying and pasting of the patch files to where you installed the game.
Toradora! is easily one of my favourite animes of all time. It is one of very few romance/comedy animes that actually feels complete when it ends. Also the voice cast was insanely awesome. But I'll watch pretty much anything with Rie Kugimiya in it, having her paired with Junji Majima is massive bonus.
You've been given answers above, if you haven't set your system locale to Japanese, that's almost certainly your problem. For Windows 7, the first link in Killerinsidee's post above should fix it for you. If it does not fix your problem, do tell us, though Eroges throwing errors like that almost always means you're not running them in the correct Locale.
That sounds an awful lot like you're not running it in the right Locale. You may need to change your system locale to Japanese(Japan), which can be done through the Region and Languages part of control panel. An alternative is using Applocale, a program which basically serves the same purpose.
Of the translated routes, only the teacher route has any requirements at all. Being the completion of atleast 4 of the main character routes, which you can actually do in English since the Wanko patch was released. Mostly it's just side-routes that are 'unlocked' by playing the main character routes. The only major exception to this being the True end, but it makes a lot of sense to require you to do all the main character routes before doing it anyway.
It's not exactly a plot spoiler, so I didn't bother initially. However, thinking it over a bit, it does disclose some route branching information that some may wish to discover completely manually, so I have gone and added said spoiler tags.
Config.rar I think this is what you want, not 100% sure, but removing it from my save data, disables the extra stuff, and replacing it re-enables everything. Just extract it and place it where ever your saves happen to be. Mine were found in "C:\Users\Usernameremoved\Documents\みなとそふと\マジこい!\Save" , so it's probably also in a similar folder for you, just hunt through your My Documents for the correct folder. Failing that, it might simply be somwhere in your install directory.
Been swapping back and forth between Symphonic Rain and School Days over the past few days. A very very interesting contrast. Symphonic Rain has been amazing, whilst School Days has honestly been... rather painful to play. Whoever in the past told me that Makoto was wayyy better in the game than the anime should be shot. He is worthless beyond all reasonable comprehension.
yandere homepgae down - is the group dead? :'(
Sinshlad replied to polo2005's topic in Eroge General Talk
The site's had a few issues in the past. It'll probably be back eventually. As for translation, it's gotten slow, but I seriously doubt Takajun would ever abandon it, he's been verrry verrry solid in the past. The latest Patch I have for the game is Wanko, which is the same one on the site. So I do believe it's up to date.