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Everything posted by Grimsha

  1. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/309/066/817.png
  2. Im killing myself trying to remember what anime that image is from...

  3. Is it racist i expected rammstien? Probably. Just as good however.
  4. Well if there is no way around it, Then downloading it from posted links will probably easiest.
  5. Its easier to link to a youtube video. Like so: The highwayman - Loreena mckennit.
  6. Grimsha

    Diablo 3

    Welcome back from your trip then Cyclone. What do you do for a living :3
  7. http://glitchcat.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/DragonsDogma.jpg I need to buy a ps3. so i can play this.
  8. What the fuck? Where do you live? antarctica? in summer it gets to 40-45c here.
  9. Ahh Okay, I was just curious about some of the methods behind it, Thanks anyway.

  10. Hey Ryu, Do you translate VNS? Implement the translation to games?, or just keep track on who is doing what?

  11. Grimsha

    Diablo 3

    Well... it couldnt hurt to upgrade your card for future games?
  12. Theres nothing wrong with old eroges. Who cares how bad the art is.
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