ZZZZ >.>
first..if its in wring region..
then there'll be a different error..
and 2nd...if he dont have the VERA fonts
he'll get warped text and weird spacing instead
so..i dont believe that'll help him >.>
but for this specific VN..
there's no point..since the incest route itself were a total bore~~
and the vn that you linked.. except oyako lesson
have a chinese patch...which ivan can use for his chinese section..
if he decided to start one up as planned~~
i already asked Ivan...
he havent upload the files yet,..
but he made the thread earlier on..
that...explains why you cant view the thread
so..for now you just get the prequel~~
first thing...
not all VN should be in this forum..
even it was stated as partials~~
2nd...the patch were long lost
unless you get them from tlwiki because it was dropped ages ago
and lastly..i might able to get a torrent file..
but no more than that