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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. shhhh~~ btw..spoiler box dont work on WHATS NEW tab >.> and thats the very reason i say why bother to vote?? its always better to have a harem~~~~~~
  2. but...this just show that in future all our bodies will be degenerated so much that we just depend on machinery to live as we just only use our brain to survive~~
  3. wait a sec!!!!!! first thing... you do know that we dont translate any VN in the forums dont you??? though we do have 1 guy willing to translate but he have HARUKA tied down~~
  4. killer..that OVAs is full of teasers for season 3 >.>
  5. i can tell... wait till i read it though... since the chinese patch is rare >.>
  6. why vote when you can get all of them???
  7. ultimecea

    Sengoku Rance

    you need to read Installing DAEMON Tools | Eroge Download and Mounting CD images with DAEMON Tools | Eroge Download thats all you need to install Sengoku Rance
  8. hmmm..thats weird.. you should like have their events when you in your first play off.... i cant remember clearly.. but you did check out all events??? the AHT scene were the onsen ones...if im not wrong while the ones with Melo and Sharty is the normal event
  9. ultimecea

    Wanko to Kurasou

    just download Daemon Tool Lite and install it... once done.. all you need is just double click the Wanko's ISO to mount it on Daemon Tool... then just run the installer...and apply the english patch when done... just run the game.. make sure you go to options and look for Voice option.. click test sound and the VN will run~~
  10. hmm..thats so weird for C;H >.>

    myb you should try it on other pc then..

    and goodluck with higurashi XD

  11. even you used that ANTI-FAIL patch???

    and baa-chan..

    not this SNOWDROP Download english hentai games - Snow Drop

    but...this KIRA-snowdrop- Download english hentai games - Kira -snowdrop-

    hmm..so you dont want to know the alternate stuff in never 7 huh...

    and UMINEKO should be good for you

    but you didnt voted for higurashi~~

  12. Baa-chan...

    try Chaos Head...or that Kira-snowdrop

    alternatively you can read Never 7...



    and if you dont mind the BAD 7th expansion ART...

    you should read Higanbana, Higurashi and Umineko..

    since i saw you gave G-senjou quite a high rating~~

  13. hey Baa-chan..

    EVE and ADAM FACTOR were actually good >.>

    and whats your complete list anyway??

  14. strange.. i remember desi and killer talk bout it previously
  15. killer..that make me sounds really bad >.>
  16. dan dan.... i guessed you were the "only" one?? XD
  17. nope... there is no english translation >.> and we dont take requests for translation... GOOD LUCK asking Aaeru~~
  18. haiz..

    well..write whatever you like..

    but..instead of making an advice..

    try change your sentences into a questions..

    that way..it wont disturb me much >.>

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