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Status Updates posted by ultimecea

  1. Mayuri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. me multi-task too kill timez`

  3. mediafire is free.....

  4. miyako???

    you mean wanko right??

    just follow the translation order..

    it's nice that way..

    but i still love mayucchi..^^

    oh..she's adorable..

    and i can bet you wont able to guess when's momoyo's birthday~

  5. Moe in Eroge last long because it's express well..

    although manga and anime are the same..

    just sometimes dont go the way we like,..

    what kind of links areyou gonna share???

  6. myb i'll...give 3u a try...

    as long my friends want to join in

  7. need more VN!!!!!!!

    i want Amagami SS now!!

  8. need...more VN to live

  9. no choice..stupid country~

  10. no space for my signature..

    i don get it either~

  11. no!!!!!!

    you have changed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    btw...i got them FE book

    and that ass drawing >.>

  12. no..

    its like a max limit to the script~

  13. no..wat??/ really??!!!!!

  14. nobu..

    im sad that you are dumb XD

  15. normal bro..

    tough luck with work...

    hmmm i prefer my mayucchi <3

  16. nvm..you just ask him where you go wrong..

    thats all you need to know..

    because i know how everybody think bout you~

  17. Ofc I am...

    Just too busy to even read VNs lately

    Too much WN and LN backlog

  18. oh really???

    then imagine them with swimsuits..

    oh and the maid too~

  19. oh ya..

    you still keep Tomoyo's OVA right??

    send me the file

  20. oh...never mind

    kimi shinaide~

  21. oh..

    my tsuntsun Mayuri`

  22. oh..im here ivan..just busy with work..

    i just wondering if you are going to re-upload old partial patch games??

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