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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. i miss the game..kinda sad when i killed her~
  2. huh//so this 4 huh??? guess a tsundere for me..
  3. was it me or the thread had died down.. anyways..something happened and i remembered her.. one of a few loli's that captured my heart~ Isurugi Mio~
  4. bro..its all just to make kami realised he's dumb~
  5. ^dumb and still cant accept the fact..XD
  6. we want Alice Humanoid form!!! i nominate Isurugi Mio^^
  7. rukako..remember the torrent you gave me?

    do i need to dl the .cdi too???

  8. Dani..you remember where to fight Doppel??

  9. yo..still here??

  10. ivan going to up it soon..he promised after other 3
  11. hey,,,ur updates???

  12. ray..i felt stupid for forgetting there's too many lolicons around~
  13. Ivan..i might be asking too much and it might annoyed you..

    but can you do something bout Kami and SAD??

    they really creep me out!!

    especially the Phedo SAD~

  14. Vun..there's no need to add in captain there.. because KAMFAG are compiling everything~
  15. hey.. me want some too/.. steals Ka-el popcorn~
  16. haiz,,just wake up.. this argument are getting stale nowdays... why cant you go back being a sound human??
  17. guys..ivan going to upload Never7,Rewrite and Irotoridori no Sekai
  18. haiz..that company make it due to high demands over Nukige..though people alwasy revert to those with great story with moeness... and you are just urging me to slander you with insults and critics by purposely complaining here~
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