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A few moderators?

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Anybody but Avenger will do fine. ;)


Ah, the sure signs of a Tsundere.


I have no experience of being a Mod, and I doubt I'd be any good, but I wouldn't mind giving it a chance. (Though I think too many people think I'm a troll for me to be a mod)


But anybody sensible would do, like Ryu or Cael, etc.

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What? Don't make it sound like our comments wouldn't be topic related.




^ None that I know of.

*I wonder if a mod could report with "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!" whenever there's a random comment....


so, moderator = gandalf? pick me!

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Why everybody thinks I'm talking about them? loool, no cael, in the other forum I used to lurk, when a spot for moderator was opened, people started to post crap to increase post count, don't know why, maybe they tought the admin would take them in account xD.


Now to avoid futher misunderstanding, I didn't talk about any member in particular about posting crap, I'm here since the dawn of the forum and I know the senior members, they are my friends (including you :D) and I know they don't post crap, so I'm sorry if I did not expressed myself correctly in my other post. xD


No problem, i was just wondering, everything's cool :p


+ like for friends :cool:


Anybody but Avenger will do fine.





Naaaa you'd be fine :p


Ah, the sure signs of a Tsundere.


I have no experience of being a Mod, and I doubt I'd be any good, but I wouldn't mind giving it a chance. (Though I think too many people think I'm a troll for me to be a mod)


But anybody sensible would do, like Ryu or Cael, etc.


Well thank you kind sir.

Edited by Caelistas
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Well on the thread's sorta original topic. Whenever the forum needs mods I nominate myself because A) I have slight experience which really isn't any experience since I got to be a mod for week before my online buddy's forum shut down :p B) I have nukes C) I have a lot of nukes D) I got a ton of nukes [FAKE EGO MODE ON] E) I'm obviously THE most popular person in these forums. That makes me an obvious canidate :cool: [FAKE EGO MODE OFF]


But yeah I guess I wouldn't mind. But right now nothing big has happened to need any mods either. The only big thing that has happened is Avenger shut down the forums for a while somehow. Idk I signed up a little after that happened.


And back on this thread's off-topicness, Avenger is a troll? Man I hate not not being to tell if people are trolls or are trolling. I can never figure it out.

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As far as I'm aware I have never trolled on purpose. Well, there are a couple of times I have but mostly I'm actually serious. I think I just have that kind of personality... you know...


Also, I have Caboose, which beats any number of nukes.

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Am I the only person here who doesn't want to become a mod?


it's cuz you're gaga, lol no same for me :p, I play Eroge and go on this forum for "breathers", becoming a mod contradicts that

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Hey sir, I'm definitely not lady gaga nor I want to be. And I'm personally just here for trolling around anyway so

I'm obviously not suited for the mod position lol. Also, being a mod isn't that funny, work is still work after all.

Edited by OneManArmy
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