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Everything posted by VNHunter

  1. ^baka... most people here hate two consecutive posts... XD
  2. ^a newbie... doesn't know my crimes---I mean history in this site
  3. ^much better than the previous sig... man... too slow!!! XD
  4. ^ok... Fine... I'll answer... it's for BOTH... XD
  5. ^hmmm... sig with... WTF?!?!? Chat Logs??? LOLz 5/10
  6. thanks for the Kyou & Tomoyo wallpapers great wwallpapers of CLANNA---wait a minute... some aren't from clannad... XD
  7. yup...Exams came in...

    then... so much school work has been given to me from school groups... XD


    I already have finished 5 out of 7 projects... almost done...


    "Ie o kangei!"??? Japs???

  8. oh!!! that would be helpful!!!


    good thing...

    I'm an engineering student...

    and 75% of our subjects is...





  9. ^nope... you are wrong... I'm no genius... I'm just the forum's Local Assassin...
  10. VNHunter

    Dog Days'

    I haven't seen the 13th ep... were there hints for a 3rd season???
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