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Everything posted by VNHunter

  1. wow... digging your own grave... then... let me tell you this... people ordered and payed for it... then they released it with a bonus... Bugs... how thoughtful... think about it, you buy stuff, then get "damaged" goods... what would you feel??? hoho... quite nice isn't it???
  2. do you even know the meaning of Planning and execution??? if you don't... here... an easy description... You make a plan, you follow it exactly as it is... they make plans... they delay or cancel it... wow... what greatness when it comes to Planning and execution... -_-
  3. Don't even make me say it... there are a lot of reasons that they suck... you call that best??? they suck at planning and execution... -_-
  4. yeah... and it's much worse in real life when you catch you're Best friend having sex with your GF... It's like your whole world crumbled in an instant...
  5. Calm Down Granny-obaa-nyan... XD but yeah... JAST really sucks... -_- EDIT: At last!!! Seinarukana is on the move again!!!
  6. simple... don't give a shit... If you like it (as long as you don't do any harm to others), nobody has the right to stop you... just ignore them
  7. yup... everyone is unique... XD some may like it, while some may not...
  8. I used to read/play NTR VNs before that incident... back then, I was like "fuck!!! my girl's gone!!!" and I want to kill the one who "stole" her on the VN... XD nobody messes with my girl but me!!!
  9. Like I said... I experienced it in real life... so I hate it like hell... anyways, always welcome to help...
  10. From misae's route on the VN... also seen from the anime- CLANNAD After story
  11. why not try using a translator... but beware... it won't be clearly translated...
  12. I see... a big NTR lover huh??? I personally hate NTR because I experienced it already... but if you need links for NTR VNs... just PM me... or drop by the shoutbox...
  13. VNHunter

    Fate/Stay Night

    Do it... all I can say is... Welcome to the Type-MOON world... XD
  14. Thanks for the hard work... XD I'll be waiting for it's release... hoho
  15. well... I'm not the one who nominated her... but... Rin is Rin... a hotty... XD
  16. this is an old line... but... Rin must win!!! Rin must win!!! Rin must win!!!
  17. VNHunter

    Fate/Stay Night

    yeah... and also... All bad ends must opened to see one bonus... XD
  18. Man... that's one of the worst things an ero-gamer must do... Go read it now!!! or else... granny...
  19. uwa... now they're getting ready... XD I really wish for a Satsuki route!!!
  20. VNHunter

    Fate/Stay Night

    nope... they matter... one wrong choice and you're dead... XD
  21. sometimes... I think, Ryu is a SADIST... XD
  22. in this world... Patience is one of the most important virtues... but if you really can't wait anymore, go ahead and use a translator... there's a thread here that teaches people on how to use "Translator Aggregator"
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