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Status Updates posted by VNHunter

  1. Thanks for the add... XD

    See you at the forums

  2. sorry to interrupt your peaceful life...


    reminds me of tenchi muyo...

  3. I never knew!!!

    since when???

    I'm busy with work and personal life which forces me to neglect some updates about my stuff...

    what happened???

  4. work...

    I'm a computer engineer now...

    I'm at the MIS dept. from a cable and internet company...

    not light work during monday-thursday (which allows me to lurk here at the site)...

    then some "real" work during friday and saturday...

    top it all off with great pay... XD

    how about you???

  5. from higurashi?!?!? ouch... *shivers in fear*


    btw, thanks for the add

  6. ah... ultime???

    what's the verdict??? should she be dead or alive???

    Fujimura kun Meitsu 17 v01 - Read Fujimura kun Meitsu 17 Online - Page 9

  7. I want my benkei route!!! NOW!!!


    but too busy... no vns until the end of march or so... T_T

    why are you going to thailand anyway??? vacation??? or are you moving there permanently???

  8. me too... I'm looking forward into seeing Oregano from the manga and how she torments nymph... :D

    and I really want to see how they will deal with Ikaros Melan... If she will be included in season 3...

  9. Thanks for the add...


    wait... your profile pic... LiSA...

    wew... an angel beats Fan???

  10. thanks for the add...

    see you at the SB...and the forums

  11. good for you... from the looks of my job, I can only go around the country with it...

    and I'll probably stuck with paper works or in front of the computer more often than not...

    well, at least I get to mess---I mean fix some servers while slacking off at the SB...


    what is your occupation anyway???

  12. I'm not saying it like that... It was just funny to see Nymph really annoyed by Oregano... they even had a Angeloid fighting championship in the manga wherein nymph was against oregano... an electronic warfare angeloid against a medical angeloid??? LOL

  13. I've installed/tested (though I uninstalled & stored it away for now) that VN that you linked at the SB...

    It's pretty decent... from the looks that is... can't say much about the story because I haven't read though it yet...

    Detected NO problems on it (for now)... except that my anti-virus treated the installer as a virus so I had to disable it first and enabled it again AFTER installing...

    the only complaints (or rather selfish rants) that I have on the VN is that:

    1. No voice (that's to be expected though)

    2. Mouse navigation is impossible inside the game... only the keyboard (example: enter/space bar keys to advance text)


    for now, only those 2... I haven't tested it with a USB joypad yet... maybe next time...

    think of these as SOFTWARE TEST results as we say in my job...




    FULL SCREEN w/ ALT+ENTER works...

  14. but still... SHE'S CUTE!!!


    k-k-kawaii... *nosebleed*


    oh no... almost lost myself there... XD

  15. OK... I'll look into it...

  16. NO...

    Thank you for the link...

  17. not yet... a friend of mine visited and gave me copies of some old games that I never had the time to play... so I'm disregarding eroge for now... but i'll play it after finishing all these old games...

  18. well... at least it's fun for me... and the pay is really good... XD


    online project huh??? about what??? making a webpage???

  19. who wouldn't LOVE that cuteness???

  20. Man... stop tempting me... I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 2 right now you know... This is one of my favorites

  21. hoho... some secrecy huh???

    main project is top secret... XD

  22. damn!!! stop it!!! the "tomoyo" name is really making it more tempting!!!

  23. yo...

    happy birthday,,,


    ugh... can't drop by the SB... too busy here... T_T

  24. oh... I see... LiSA also sang songs for Angel Beats... so I thought you know Angel Beats...


    I haven't watched SAO yet... I prefer to DL then watch an anime after it completes a whole season...

  25. Ex-Dono??? what's that sig all about???

    "Zetsubo Da" =It's despair

    am I write???

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