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Red Panda

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Everything posted by Red Panda

  1. Touhou girls are okay right? Sanae Kochiya
  2. I caught up on this a few days ago. It's been enjoyable so far. I really like some of the comedy moments with the grandfather. It has been getting really intense in the latest chapters.
  3. I'm pretty sure this has already been said but Matou Shinji is possibly the most hate-able character I have ever come across. He's a narcissist, idiot, selfish, arrogant, etc. He is just built to be hated. Serious spoilers ahead for those who haven't played all of FSN.
  4. I've seen a few adult dating sim games like this in places like Newgrounds, albeit I've never seen one developed by a professional studio. I couldn't see one being extremely popular (or even good for that matter) because as others have said, a lot of the archetypes we normally see wouldn't be represented. Plus I can't imagine the girls in a game like this being anything but total bimbos.
  5. Gah! too many to chose from. I'll just go with Beatrice from Umineko because she was the first that popped into my head with her evil cackle. I spent so many hours in Umineko how could I ever forget her? Honorable mention should go Tohsaka Rin, Arcueid, Rika and Meiya. I still have only played a few VNs however, so hopefully this list will be more refined as time goes on.
  6. It's Alexis Rhodes from Yu-Gi-Oh! Have some meat
  7. There have been a few that have made me cry: Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 (none of the others come close to this) Angel Beats! Clannad After Story Legend of Galactic Heroes (if you've seen it you'll know where) Mawaru Penguindrum Another Yeah that's about it. I will cry tears of joy sometimes, but these actually made me sad.
  8. Her last spellcard nearly had me. I was down to my final bomb and final life, hitting her with like 1.8 power when I killed her. Now onto kero kero. Gonna get owned~ Suwako's theme.
  9. Exactly this. The amount of remixes is staggering. I listen to them almost all day every day, and I still find more. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvX4VhjIb7w To celebrate my 1CC of MoF
  10. It seems like most of her complaints could be addressed if she was just recommended the right otome. Surely there are some that are vanilla. I wouldn't know which though, seeing as I've never played one before.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI4AO3FyTT4 Every time I go on youtube I find more delicious Touhou.
  12. I my show my friend who is taking Korean in the fall this. I'm sure he would appreciate it more than me. It's interesting how much different written Korean is from any other language.
  13. Red Pandas, Red Panda Pictures, Red Panda Facts - National Geographic Thanks for the warning, but rape dungeons are my specialty.
  14. I don't know how you're going to play eroge and not fap, but I wish you the best.
  15. Red Panda


    I had the pleasure of Tsukihime being my first VN. It got me into the Type-Moon and the Nasuverse. Surely one of my favorites.
  16. My first greeting is by an assassin? This will be interesting indeed.
  17. Hello there everyone! Here's my little intro: I'm a 19 year old student from the good ole US of A. I had been downloading VNs from erogedownloads for a few months, so I decided to sign up for the board. I'm still semi-new to the Visual Novel/Eroge scene, but here are my favorite so far: Favorite VN: Muvluv Series Favorite Game: Dark Souls Favorite Anime: Somewhere between Welcome to the NHK! and Legend of Galactic Heroes Favorite Manga: Lone Wolf and Cub Other than gaming stuff I like to study Japanese and will be going to Japan in about a years time (getting my minor in Japanese)
  18. I'd say Tsukihime was one of the worst I ever watched. The OST was a godsend, but the rest of the anime fell flat on its face. It became my first visual novel because I wanted to give the series a chance.
  19. Very nice stuff guys, here's some more saber.
  20. Blazblue is my favorite fighting game series of all time, hands down etc. As for playing alone, I think it can be okay with the right game with decent AI/complexity. I wouldn't play most fighting games alone, but Blazblue is the exception.
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