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Helvetica Standard

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Status Updates posted by Helvetica Standard

  1. Hey there :) My avatar or my profile picture?

    the avatar is Kotori from konoozora :3

  2. Hello Eri :)

    I've been testing Yandere for 5, 6 hours so far and I don't have the "girl stuck on the screen" issue that

    you mentioned. There is however ocassional flicker when a girl leaves the screen but is barely perceptible.


  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CRU3L!!! <3<3<3




    If you're old enough go get a beer; let's get wasted mate!

  5. Natsuki :D

    I have watched Mai-Hime; all 26 episodes and the director's cut ending XD

    I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by the ending, although the series was brutal most of the time.

    It was a fun ride! :p



    - what's the deal with Nagi and the headmaster, really? where'd they go at the end? All I know is that the headmaster was a Miko and a Hime,

    and that she also wielded Kagutsuchi


    -Did the Hime powers warped the minds of the girls or something? because we even had a full blown yandere with Shizuru and pretty much

    everyone else became mental or went berserk!


    -I refuse to believe that Natsuki's most precious person was Shizuru. please tell me it's someone else! XD (Also,she's not that much of a tsundere,right?

    I felt she was more like a kuudere.)


    -Yuuichi and Mai never kissed!! not even in her dream!! gosh! I'll asume they do become a couple, right?


    Anyway, see you at the shoutbox :D


  6. Morning coffee saikö!!


  7. Hey Natsu :D

    You should connect more often, let's do some convos at the SB!

    XD see you around.


    P.S. Mai Otome (Hime Z) timeline/alternate world/anachronic dimension was too much for me.. I don't understand a damn thing XD

    I'll proceed to watch it carefully and slowly. XD

  8. H a p p y b i r t h d a y! <3<3<3


  9. Thanks for the heads up, Harle :)

    Fiddled with my settings and enabled visitor messages now.

    I wonder why they were disabled in the first place :|

  10. Gerry >: ) I've prepared some spoilers for you since

    you threatened me to spoil me on VN's as well, gahahahahaha!!!

    You see... the truth about...... AGGH! CAN'T DO IT!

    d-don't get me wrong! I didn't spoil you just because I like you or anything! humph!

  11. Sent her a reply! :3

    I'm sorry! windows 8 is being weird and didn't notify me of the new e-mail! XD

    I thought she had yet to reply to me!

    Thanks for the heads up, though. Now let's just wait for a sample of her art <3

  12. Otanjöbi Omedetö <3

  13. i meant, sample of a sprite. She's ought to be doing her version of Rin (one of the heroines)

  14. gave her a current sprite of Rin. She'll only do a sample.

  15. Happy Birthday, Desi desuuu!! :D <3<3<3



  16. Happy Birthday! <3


  17. Happy Birthday!! <3


  18. H a p p y B i r t h d a y ! ! ! !

    <3 I LOV U DESI <3

    Haf fun!! :3

  19. Happy Birthday! <3

    Hoping to hear back from you, mate.

    We don't know if you're still on board with Violet Hill. :(

  20. Happy Birthday! :3

  21. Thanks for the add :3


  22. Sure :3 Even better, tell me your desktop resolution and I'll produce a wallpaper exclusive to your display :D

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