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Everything posted by SaruDa

  1. Don't kill me off, I still have a part to play in several major plot developments!

  2. Highest compatibility with Chex. Lowest compatibility with Killer and Yatti. http://myanimelist.net/profile/mystere9
  3. Seems legit. Should I feel bad for having 1/10th the number of views with 1/200th the number of subscribers?
  4. I remember almost nothing of this anime, other than that I hated the shit out of it when I watched it several years ago. [video=youtube;BP-X5W8zeB8]
  5. Happy birthday!

  6. Oh wow, that's a really good point.
  7. I knew there was a reason I kept you you kept me around!
  8. I didn't mind the protag, I just couldn't stand the rest of the characters.
  9. Put that baby shit down. If you're gonna listen to electronic music, cut to the real stuff. Siriusmo - Mosaik
  10. There's nothing wrong with making money, but not everyone who's Japanese/english bilingual translates for a living, and everybody needs a hobby.
  11. It's like in English. Good fiction is more poetic, uses more turns of phrase, and is just generally harder to read because it's more descriptive and uses more words that the average person doesn't know. Lots of synonyms, or if you're in Japanese, lots more Kanji. Also various poetic devices like alliteration, double meanings, metaphors, plays on words, and other things that are hard to translate.
  12. Sometimes I think they translate whatever they can succeed in getting the licensing for. Many Japanese producers are very skittish about allowing their stuff in the west because of things like the rapelay incident. Luckily fan translators are not bound by the stipulation of operating legally.
  13. Indeed. Apparently the game is free so I tried to download it, but the zip wouldn't open. bummer
  14. Your view of Japan is pretty shallow. I lived in Hiroshima for a mere 6 weeks, and I can tell you that most Japanese people are exceedingly normal. The problem is that there are so many societal expectations on their young people that those who fail to meet them can easily fall into a seemingly neverending spiral of cultural mismatch(anomie if you will). Japan is tough on foreigners, in part because many Japanese people are pretty racist("Political correctness" is a thing that's rarely thought of over there), and also because the average person can only speak fragmented English(even some of th
  15. Depends. Are they fluent in aforementioned other languages?
  16. >.> That's just called illiteracy. Although admittedly I imagine it's more of an issue in China.
  17. I could be wrong, but isn't rosetta stone mostly for learning to speak? Would it be useful for a pictographic language like Chinese?
  18. I know. 40 years ago Japanese would have been bad ass to know, but these days it's worthless ;_;
  19. An excellent choice. You shan't regret it.
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