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Outpost Omega J

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Download Comments posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. Ooookay then. I think we have another candidate to be consigned to cyber oblivion. Not for crossing any moral lines or anything like that, just for summary making the premise sound that stupid.


    No, you are still giving it to much intelligence credit. Keep going. Lower still. Maybe it would help if I told you start with a negative IQ.

  2. And ANOTHER title that shouldn't exist. Yeah, I know, it's fiction, but it's fiction that should never have been written. What you do before you are married, before you are even engaged, is your own business so long as everyone is of age and consenting of their own free uncoerced will. Once you are married, or even just engaged, YOU ARE DONE. If you can't hold to that commitment, don't get married.

  3. Is the person who is referred to as nee-san actually their sister, blood related or adopted, or is it merely an endearment? If it is only an endearment, maybe the translation was chosen for the benefit of complete newcomers to VNs. Most of us here are relatively familiar with the standard tropes of Japanese VN's but maybe the translator thought "dearest" would make more sense to some one who doesn't have our familiarity with those tropes.


    Also, at the risk of asking a dumb question, since the VN DOES say "dearest", how do you know the original Japanese was "nee-san"?

  4. If you could stomach this title all the way to the first h-scene, I take my hat off to you. The protagonist doesn't need to always be an overachieving super hero, but I prefer them to at least have an IQ higher than a rock and some basic human decency.

  5. This title first noticed on this site by Vulkandrache as of January 31st, 2021, 7:26 AM EST.


    Drapri Guu-ta-life | vndb


    Vulkandrache, feel free to place your own time stamp if you are the first to post. I do not claim exclusive rights to the time-stamping industry.


    Look at just about any title uploaded here for the past year if you need an example, and you can reference Throbbinhood’s time stamping efforts from a couple of uploads ago for an effective non-example.

  6. This title first noticed on this site by Throbbin Hood as of January 15th, 2021, 4:40 AM EST.


    Times stamper qualification test results: Epic Fail! All other COMPLETELY RELEVANT details where completely omitted demonstrating a complete lack of respect for the time(stamp) honored traditions of the time stamping industry. It is the humble opinion of this examiner that Throbbin Hood is not qualified to be a time stamper.


    Onmyou Kishi Towako ~Hebigami no Inma Choukyou~ | vndb

  7. This title first noticed on this site by Throbbin Hood as of January 15th, 2021, 4:40 AM EST.


    Times stamper qualification test results: Epic Fail! All other COMPLETELY RELEVANT details where completely omitted demonstrating a complete lack of respect for the time(stamp) honored traditions of the time stamping industry. It is the humble opinion of this examiner that Throbbin Hood is not qualified to be a time stamper.


    Isekai Sakaba no Sextet | vndb


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