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Outpost Omega J

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Download Comments posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. Ugh. Why do titles like this one even exist? There are very few things in this world I hold truly sacrosanct, but marriage oaths are one of them. What you do before you are married, as long as everyone is of age and acting with fully informed consent, is your own business, but once you walk down that isle, You! Are! Done! The only person whose bed you should be sharing is your spouse's and NO ONE ELSE'S! If you can't hold to that commitment, don't get married.

  2. How to avoid spoilers in this title: (Dumb designers of this title spoil it themselves if you aren't careful)


    This VN has a built in encyclopedia that helps to explain some of the more technical terms that can be accessed by click on said words in the course of playing the VN, however some of the entries aren't technical terms, but terms unique to the game that have no bearing on real life. Include in latter category, are the names of some the rockets the characters build and launch. During Ibuki Nazuna's route (Ibuki Nazuna | vndb), the blond character on the right edge of the box art, some of the rockets are named "Child 1", "Child 2", etc and get entries in the VN's encyclopedia. DO NOT read these entries. They are blatant spoilers!

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