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Everything posted by superBlast

  1. I don't see it..... Sounds good for "screwed up in the head" stuff, but not for lolis.
  2. Hm... I would say it should be both. More cute then national though. Btw, you childhood friend guys are even with the others now.
  3. (I think Epic Meteor Rain sounds better but whatever) AIN I answer nothing!
  4. Hm.... never mind. Not on good terms with that guy....
  5. Woah really? I wanna get struck by lightning too. Anyone have a pikachu or something?
  6. Oh that's almost done? Been meaning to try the first one as soon as part 2 got done. I figured if I liked it I wouldn't have to wait for all of part 2 like you all had to lol.
  7. Other or Childhood friends. Both you pale in comparison the the loli empire MUHAHAHA! Seriously though, hasn't anyone come up with our loli anthem yet?
  8. In terms of making a VN, the only decent thing I'm good at would be writing and.... well I have confidence in my natural writing ability but... I've haven't actually made anything. More specifically I think suck at the details and what goes through people's head's. So a better way to put it, I confident in writing a script or dialogue but a novel is completely out of the question. Though I am making my own RPG thanks to a lovely program I found (and got "free"... but hell after messing around with it I wanna pay for it ... if I had my own cash T_T) that takes care the music, graphics, and p
  9. ^ Have no idea if I would like your fanpage.
  10. I have no idea if 13% in a month is fast but since everyone else is saying it is then, yay.
  11. I actually don't really know why I like lolis. I know I've liked lolis for a while now. Then again I can barely explain why I like the things I like. Anywho.... wait those numbers have gone up since maths' post. CH Friends and other has gone up by 1. Also someone else voted robots. Haika was the sole voter of that for a while now lol.
  12. I love rare stuff, like an albino skunk. I seen one before and I wouldn't even know it was a skunk unless I was told it was. It looked more like a gold tinged Pomeranian with pink eyes.
  13. ^ wants to learn German. > Masao, Your now the head of the German branch of my company. Sell nukes at whatever price you want but you will only get 10% of what you make. V Wanna buy and nuke and/or teach me Japanese?
  14. At the very least I know the fairy chick is OP. She's like a nuclear powered fairy tank.
  15. KER Evil Rock Killer (He killed my best friend... who was a rock.)
  16. ^ Um...... he's a new guy. V wanna buy a nuke and/or work for me selling nukes?
  17. TED Eating dead turtles (sorry slasher )
  18. DIE Incendiary explosion? Damn....
  19. One On everyone! NORTHWARD!!!!!
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