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Everything posted by superBlast

  1. (I thought someone was gonna say Ocarina of Time lol) IME I'm extra miniature!
  2. Oh would you like to buy a nuke? I have a wide selection to choose from.
  3. I get the funniness of the first one but the second one was kinda random lol. Actually very random.
  4. Welcome to these awesome forums, Mr. Loli Lover (aka Haze) and Mr. Loli Hater (aka Zero). I'm the most famous around here (trust me I'm not lying. I'm even more popular then Ivan ) so have automatic absolute respect for me MUHAHAHAHA! (I'm not lying about being famous. Trust me... please?) Mr. Haze, Woot fellow loli lover! Mr. Zero, Don't worry I like other stuff besides lolis too. (And nothing I said was a lie. I promise. *whistles*)
  5. Hm.... I'm not so good at that. I'll let you handle that Haze.
  6. NOW Other necrophiliacs.... WOOT!
  7. ?????? Then again I get get confused alot anyways.
  8. ^ Another person I don't know.... anyways Ryugen doesn't sound too bad either, whatever that's about
  9. Damn, the others maybe a loose assortment of random favorite types, but there sure are alot of them. The lolis need to step things up! We can't let a bunch of others beat us! Score at the time of this post: CH Friends - 23 (hahahahahahaha.... I'm sorry it's just... hahahahaha...) Lolis - 26 (GO TEAM LOLI!) Others - 27 (WTF!?)
  10. ONS Nearly slightly organic
  11. If you wanna vote Tsun then go vote on my personality thread instead of here. Yes, it is an attempt to get less people to vote other because personalities like tsundere yanderes and stuff aren't there. And the Others are winning! We need to step things up loli lovers!
  12. Hm... I see your point. HazyHaze... HazeHazy? Um... I'm calling you Mr. Haze. Anyways, while you make a good point, I hate the idea of anything beating lolis at anything. I don't want to give 'em the chance to conquer, even if they get to conquer for a few minutes. I want the total annihilation of of everything non-loli MUHAHAHA!
  13. TRA Reverse action thingy.
  14. We more loli support. The others are closing in. Don't worry about the CH friends. They're too much of a threat anymore. Just bomb the hell out the others!
  15. DED Everyone done dead. (crappy grammer FTW! )
  16. (You didn't do it right.... oh well whatever. I don't feel like caring right now.) PPA Peaches and Pears.
  17. ^ have fun. Trust me I didn't mess with your lunch at all.
  18. H*T HOLY ****! TERRY! (and Terry gets eaten by a dinosaur. THE END.) Nevermind the above. I got ninja'd.... HAT Avenger thinks hard.
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