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Everything posted by superBlast

  1. EAD Everyone already died.
  2. Spiderman vs. Fate/ Zero's Berserker. I vote berserker. He's Badass.
  3. Then try some friends or family members names then. I did that with my step dad.
  4. Ok I ran across this game somewhere and I ended up with hilarious results (my step dad is a Magical Pretty Girl lmao) and figured I make it here too. Anyways follow this list and post your results. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/420942_234710563285441_105425439547288_486392_1681995284_n.jpg for superBlast I would take super and Blast and end up with S-B. Now I follow the list and get: Sailor Devil (Right....) Now I'll take my real life initials, which is R-F, and I get: Dark Sadist (Now that sounds awesome. Doesn't fit me but sounds awesome) And for names that is
  5. Who the hell is rihoko and why should I care? And... The CH friends are one vote behind us! NO! I can with being second biggest. We can come back from that easily. But if no way will I take being 3rd biggest without a fight!
  6. superBlast


    Multi-dimensional skirt flipping brat? Should I be surprised or not. I can't tell. And yeah I don't see that as being enough to have shared characters either.
  7. *Sings* Spiderman, spiderman, somethingsomething, spiderman *stops singing* Yeah I don't know that song.
  8. Just you wait. That won't last long. We'll overtake the others like we overtook the CH friends!
  9. Welcome Avagtamos to this awesome forum of eroge awesomeness. I'm gonna call you Ava since Avagantamos sice it's long and I'll probrably sped 10 minutes trying to spell it right Now that's an understatement. But I will speak no further of the topic since we're here to talk eroge (and random stuff). Also glad to to meet another loli supporter. We'll get along great.
  10. ^ Well at the very least we could all be best friends. Well unless you all have a problem with being friends with non-lolis too. V wanna buy a nuke?
  11. I don't really notice if your English is bad. Well you do capitalize things too much lol. And I would welcome you but you've been here for a while so a welcome might be a bit late. @The loli killers, NO LOLI KILLING! How could you kill such cute balls of cuteness incarnate?
  12. superBlast


    That I have no idea. I never played the eroge but I did watch the soul link anime. I didn't see anyone from Shuffle! in the anime and no one from the anime looked familiar. The eroge might be different though.
  13. superBlast


    Yeah she's the childhood friend of the MC. And if I remember right, his name is Rin or something. I have no idea what his last name is though.
  14. It's not an otome, its shoujo-ai, which is basically all ages yuri.
  15. Yeah there are some who play otome games around here, I don't though. I guess I don't mind shoujo-ai... I played Aoishiro but got tired of it after my second time through it. That's the only one I played though so...
  16. Oh same here back when I have to do that. But yeah her sage robe kicks ass until you get her NG+ Gothic costume. That is real good.
  17. Welcome to these awesome forums! Shuffle! was one of my first ones too but you got alot more VN experience then me lol.
  18. Well I really don't know that many but I'll list some that I can remember. Shuffle! Has Primula. Though you have to go through the Nerine route first before you can do Primula's route, but it's worth it. Wanko to Kurasou has 4 (maybe 5? Can't remember) that I know of and two of them you defiantly get H-scenes with but they're... dog people. Well they have dog ears and tails and treated as pet dogs more or less. There's lot's of story at the beginning but there's a ton of H-scenes after that. Never finished it. My Girlfriend is the President has Ell. Some people wouldn't call her a lol
  19. super uses Rare Candy! Blast went up a lvl! Blast is learned Almighty Nuke!
  20. Well that's why I appointed you. It's so you can go figure it out
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