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Everything posted by Brincamian

  1. I normally hate double posting, but I think it's probably acceptable in this thread. Here's some Erio for everyone.
  2. http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj156/Gz_Chicken/star-wars-darth-vader-sense.jpg
  3. Demonbane actually has an anime. No idea if it's any good or not, though. And I'd love to see a Saya anime, if it was animated by ufotable and they didn't censor the gore at all. I highly doubt this will ever happen, but oh well.
  4. Kyon is the main reason I love the series, although Haruhi is a pretty awesome character on her own as well. One thing I really liked about the first season is how they just made fun of the typical anime cliches found in so many other series. From the baseball match, where they all suck, to the movie for the festival, which was a disaster, to the constant and completely forced cosplaying, along with several other things being very intentionally parodied. I'm not even gonna talk about season 2, for obvious reasons. Great first episode and semi decent last arc, but that's it. However, the movie
  5. Finishing up the Sharin no Kuni fandisc, and then next is Yume Miru Kusuri and School Days HQ.
  6. Here's one of my favorites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHcFDMaz2u8
  7. 9/10 for loli-buruma's predecessor! It'd be a 10 if it was centered a bit better, but that might be difficult since it's a screen cap to begin with.
  8. For G-Senjou, don't you run the English installer with the disc image mounted before installing anything else? That's how I remember doing it.
  9. ^ I love your young Taiga avatar. The role reversal in the blu-ray extras was awesome. And here's my pic for today, felt like a yuri day to me.
  10. I have mine set to choose a random one every hour, but here's one that's always been a favorite of mine. *Edit* I put it in a spoiler tag because it ended up being rather big even after it scaled itself down, and the file's a bit too big to upload it as an attachment.
  11. That happens if you stay on the same floor for too long. Get out quickly when you see that message. You need a maxed party to stand a chance against it, and even then it can kill you pretty easily.
  12. Make sure you put money into the shrine every day, stat increases with no time use, and you should have plenty of money as long as you always stay in tartarus until people are tired.
  13. I'm using the newest version of CCCP, along with the newest CoreAVC. That's it. I haven't tried removing them, because even if that fixed it, I'd probably end up putting them back on right away anyways since I use them quite a bit. If that is the problem, I suppose there might be other codecs that could run MKVs without causing the freezing, but I don't want to mess with my setup too much since I can stream MKVs to my PS3 right now and it took a good amount of effort to get that working 100%.
  14. It can switch to full screen, and run in full screen, it just freezes after 5-10 minutes. It's another thing to try, but that troubleshooting option appears to be for people who flat out can't get it into full screen. I went ahead and ticked it to see what happens, and all it does is sets my computer resolution to something really low, and then when I put it in full screen I could no longer select widescreen. It still froze up 10 or so minutes later, so it's just a completely different issue. It seems to freeze sooner when I'm trying to jump between scenes using the skip buttons. I'll just sti
  15. Tried a couple times with the compatibility troubleshooting, and it doesn't display the problem I'm having anywhere. There's stuff like "Unable to switch to full screen" and stuff like that, but nothing related to the problem I'm having. I'm not gonna worry about it for now, I'll probably just play in windowed mode or perhaps test it on another computer at some point. I know some other people were only able to fix it by staying in windowed mode as well.
  16. Does that just mean trying it in compatibility mode? *Edit* Oh, I see. Right click option.
  17. Codecs are definitely up to date, although I did have a new video driver update. I doubt it will fix it, but the good news is that I can still play it in windowed mode. I'll keep messing around with stuff and post back if I find anything that fixes it, in case other people run into the same problem.
  18. ^ I get mine from sankakucomplex's image database, "chan.sankakucomplex.com". Sankakucomplex's main site is a blog of sorts with all sorts of Japanese related posts, and is mostly NSFW. The channel has a TON of images, though, and tags make it pretty easy to find very specific types of pictures. And my picture for the day... I never liked K-ON!, but Mio is still pretty darn awesome.
  19. Him and Kyousuke from G-Senjou are two of my favorite lead characters in VNs. They're both from the same developer, too, so I suppose that makes sense. You could also call this thread "Shit Isono says" =P
  20. I have Windows 7 64-bit running in Japanese locale (I know School Days doesn't require the region being set to Japanese, but I'm also pretty sure it's not what's causing the freezing) One post said to install a 3.5 framework that's on the first game disc, and that didn't do anything for me. Another says to remove codecs, but I sort of need those, so I haven't tried that yet. It's a nice gaming desktop, not a netbook or anything like that, so the specs are definitely fine.
  21. My game randomly freezes every 5-10 minutes and has to be closed via CTRL ALT DEL whenever I'm running it in full screen. Windowed works fine so far, but if anyone figures out a fix for this problem I'd love to hear it. Tried a couple things, but haven't found anything that works yet aside from staying in windowed mode.
  22. I can help keep this going. Just one a day is kinda tricky, though. Decisions, decisions...
  23. Why do you have to be so condescending? I've played VII, VIII and some of VI. X is still my personal favorite. You can like what you want, but what you're doing right now is making a baseless assumption that doesn't have any place in a thread centered around personal opinions. I posted here to talk about my favorite FFs, not to belittle people.
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