Uzuki Sepia
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Everything posted by Uzuki Sepia
The fact that Hou was going to be translated by MG got under my radar too, good to know.
It had, that I can remember, simple animations for lips, eyelids, walking movements during close ups, the two openings made by Shinkai Makoto and an animated ending. --- I noticed on db that a patch for Higurashi Hou was released in january... has anyone tried it?
^ Getting the 5 main endings is enough to play Agave, there's no need to play the sub-routes to unlock it. About that, I'm done with the 5 girls too and was surprised by Wanko's route, I liked it. I'm reading the sub-routes first to keep stuff like Momoyo vs Shakadou for last. I'm pissed off for Kuki Ageha though... why does this thing have a sequel and 354 FD and not a route for her? Isn't her HAHAHA! good enough?
Fate arc is 25-30 hours of repeated kitchen sketches and Holy Grail war rules, if you were able to go through that or the first part of Muv Luv to get to the interesting parts you can probably do the same with Rewrite or Clannad until the comedic parts are over imo. It will take a while, but it should be feasible. I wonder if mr. "since pokemon games are in kana if you know the language well you can read whatever in kana" and other such bullshit is getting the implications now. I'd guess he doesen't, but I'll lurk the chat to find out.
Majikoi I didn't expect this to live up to its reputation and in fact it's not really surprising me, but still I'm enjoying it to some degree. The Kazama Family bunch is nothing I would spend time talking about, but this game has a lot of side characters that probably won't appear on screen long enough to get boring. I've played Yukie and Chris and now I'm starting Momoyo's route. The prologue part was about fine and I have at least mixed feeling toward Yukie since in her route there's that Wakamoto's voiced badass of the prime minister (and, well, I'll admit that I found the Matsukaze t
If you managed to read Fate and Muv Luv you can go through both Rewrite and Clannad all right.
For Utawarerumono I'd like for someone else to confirm if , since it has been a few years for me and I don't really remember but I can tell you that About Romanesque, you can see the gameplay for example at 18:00, point being getting the best combination of spells in order to make more points... to get more spells required for the quests you have to go through to reach all the endings A lighthearted one, it's mainly a comedy/slice of life and imo is very nice. I'm sorry to hear that about MGQ and Kikokugai, but if it's any consolation I can tell you I found the second game of
Utawarerumono and Girlish Grimoire Littlewitch Romanesque have both gameplay, great art and nice characters. They are both medieval/past-tinged fantasy (japanese the former and european the latter) and both have sexual contents, without rape and such. Another fitting game would be Monster Girl Quest, with a few drawbacks -bad art and the reverse-rape/torture when you lose- but looks a lot like a game you might like. If you can bear comedy rape and a rapist MC that isn't kind, funny -though a lot of people find him funny- or interesting then there's also Sengoku Rance that has both great art a
Last time I forgot to drop a comment about Romanesque, I'll do that now It was slightly different from what I expected but nonetheless it was a cute one. Ooyari managed to stand out even more than usual imo, I ended up rating the artwork a full 10/10. I feel like Quartett! charades at times was able to reach slightly higher peaks but this one has so many styles mixed in and all are so beautiful that in the end it probably edges over a little, and the backgrounds were awesome to say the least, they managed to drive my attention away from the characters amazing me each time a new one showed
I'm on the verge of dropping a vn for the first time, Comyu. I don't like chuuni and started this one ready to close an eye about that in deference to its other qualities, but at this point chuuni doesn't even register as a problem anymore in my book. I'm pretty much at the start of the last third of Benio's route but I don't think I can win this battle.
About YU-NO, the walkthrough on vndb isn't bad at all. I came across a couple of problems using that, the first time in the shed (you mustn't click on the door in the back while it says something like "click on everything") and then, probably in Kanna's route, when a certain someone wasn't showing up in front of her apartment (moving around aimlessy solved that for me), but is otherwise fairly reliable. Back to DC, I've been conflicted about moving to DC 2 for a long time now, it looks fairly appealing but I found the first one to be an excruciating experience... still haven't decided wha
A couple of days ago I read on db that Mahoyo tl project was most probably dead edit: found it https://vndb.org/r23839.8
Ty. I hope for a patch to come out eventually, iirc someone was interested in making one.
Atm I'd vote Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas (that isn't listed).
Cartagra and Guilty Crown Lost Christmas I've been eager to read Cartagra for a while but buts. It has visuals, good BGM and whatever it talks about it usually does in a fairly distinguished manner but true end aside* kind of manages to border on mediocrity with unyelding perseverance. Felt like the popularized version of a good vn. I might fathom the reasons (could have been a user-friendly start to draw people in) and looking at the results I could just drop the subject but any way you look at it I was expecting a little more. If anything the writer, Iida Kazuhiko, is the guy who wrote
Keeping the most popular romance-oriented titles out, if you're searching for something orthodox then you probably want to check out Sharnoth, while if you don't mind something "different" -by the standards of this medium at least- then Forest, Kara no Shoujo and YU-NO have nice stuff there for you. Have to say that the latters aren't too focused on romance, but YU-NO even has more than a relationship worth talking about, for example (I'm putting it under spoiler to be safe but it's just the nature of one of those relationships I'm talking about, not something that really needs to be kept secr
Check what kanji was used in the japanese text when the context doesen't make obvious what kanji/compound was intended.
Sadly (?), the amount of effort needed to check every time context doesen't suffice would be way greater than the one needed to translate from the mix kanji/kana. And nevermind pokemon games (I'd guess that they are written in a certain way because the main target are small children that don't know a lot of kanji anyway), to read only in romaji or kana would be undoable even for japanese people. Also, I'm really happy about MG licensing Ourai no Gahkthun, though I don't know if I'm more interested in the game itself or in seeing how does a WAB sound when translated by a good translator.
Ty. At least the long-awaited ImoparaComyu is getting near, things still look good. edit: didn't see the last post and well shit, maybe not too good. I was thinking in terms of months but I was probably wrong. As scarcely informed as I am, it kinda looked strange since the tl was completed before last year ended -as scheduled, if I'm not mistaking it with something else.-
What's the situation with Mahoyo?
Can you tell me where did you read "Omogokotsumamugi" (or everything else you wrote)? I've put down the thingh for myself and... well, it came out something totally different. I'm not asking to make fun of you, just out of curiosity (for real, lol).
Well, by "if your level isn't really 0" I was implying a little knowledge that's surely needed, if one knows nothing at all, this person isn't even going to know where to look at. Btw "friends like before", I too apologize for the answer.
Killer posted in shout, I answered here. And just in case (since you clearly don't know) that's the way you are told to search for kanji on paper dictionaries (if you can't draw them on a denshi jisho like japanese in school do, I had to grab one too). You go by number of strokes and radicals, it's common sense, so I don't really see why you had to say it was a load of crap. Also, I study japanese and... know so little that I could say I know jack shit about it atm, so I have really no need/possibility to brag about anything (just finished first year in university, no prior study on inte
You are a load of crap. Take for example the third kanji, since the kanji for hachigatsu are two radicals. You take the radical, that if you aren't an animal like yourself you know; you go on denshi jisho and the like and find in ten seconds that the third kanji is yoru, night. Moron. And excuse me Killer, I'm obviously not up to you, so awesome that can read a fucking nukige at snail pace (and probably getting shit anyway). Lol I was writing gomben (instead of hito). It's just a slow process if you have to search for every kanji, but plenty doable.