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About Natsuki

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  1. Hello, I would Like to Request Sono hanabira Shirayuki no Kishi Sono hanabira Anata ni chikau Ai Sono hanabira Yuririn all with English Translations which can be found on vndb.org done by St Michael's lobby. Thank you.
  2. Just a heads up, but I heard the Translations for this game isn't very good. I hope someone or Manga gamer does a better translation sometime. I was sad to hear this. I've been looking forward to this game. 😔
  3. Nice to see 2 Projects that I am looking forward to has been 100% Translated. now to just wait for The Proof reading. I've Been waiting for Shin koi-hime muso for a very long time. 😁 On another note, I wonder when manga gamer is going to work on another Sono Hanabira.
  4. I have no clue where to put this but As the title says, I was wondering what happened to the old interface? It's been a couple of months since I've been on here and all of the sudden stuff changed. It's rather had to find the stuff that I was able to find before. did things need to get added back onto the site? I have no clue whats going on. Thanks in advance.
  5. Have you tried Right clicking on the the Application, Going down to and clicking on properties. Once in Properties, Click on the Compatibility Tag. Then in the compatibility tag, Go down to Compatibility mode and click on Run This Program in Compatibility mode and chose from the list of older patches and OS's. I would sometimes use the Win 7 or Win XP Service pack 2. I hope this helps.
  6. I tried all the emulators for the saturn on the site and sadly they all didn't work for me. thanks for trying to help me tho.
  7. Hello, As the Title says, I am looking for a good Safe Sega Saturn Emulator to Play the english Patched Sakura Taisen. I've seen Some sites, but I'm not sure what would be safe to use. Any Help is appreciated Thanks in Advance.
  8. Hello, As the title says, I'm looking for a safe site For ISO's and ROM's. I'm particularly looking for Fate/Extra CCC , Persona 2 Enternal Punishment, and Sakura Taisen for Saturn. Now I have bought 1 out of 2 PSP Games and Sakura Taisen I bought for the Japanese Dreamcast. I saw some sites for the Roms, but I don't know if they are safe Help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  9. I would love Otoboku: futari no Elder to be Translated. i've wanted it to be since I saw the 3 episode OVA.
  10. Edit: Update. I eventually found out that I needed 7zip since my WinRar wasn't able to do find the files.
  11. As the title says I'm having problems opening the zip for A kiss for the petals Atelier. WinRar says it's either damaged or is in an unknown format. All the other things a have opened fine and I tested a different zip file that I grabbed. works fine. I think the contents in the zip got damaged somehow. Also it got brought to my attention and I thought that I would bring it to yours. The download site that you link all the VN's to my anti virus is saying that there are trojins with the download hosting number(my anti virus always use to let me get stuff from that site. now it's blocking m
  12. I came on today to find out that the website's layout changed. when did that happen? I was on here last week and it was the usual layout. I just want to make sure that I wasn't brought to a redirect site since this site hat the same layout for a very long time. everything for me is gray and white. Also the front page is smaller with the new VN updates as well. Thanks.
  13. As the title says, I opened the clannad folder and in there was a file called Steam_api.dll. What is it? and do I need it? This file was not in the original. Also my Norton called this and the REAL application that starts the game a "Download Insight anlyzed" along with being counted as a "WS.Reputation1" The RealLive.EXE thing I know isn't but what about this Steam_api.dll? Thanks.
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