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Everything posted by ShrikeRisen

  1. ShrikeRisen


    Agreed. The translation was really bad, but for some reason the spoken parts were well done. The voices would actually say coherent and understandable things that kept you interested, but the text would be completely off. In fact, the voice actors took matters into their own hands to have the characters say intelligent things in contrast to the bad text. Voice actors-1 Translators-0
  2. ShrikeRisen


    I actually bought this game about a year ago. It's quite enjoyable, and it used the DS's stylus in an interesting way for discovering clues and fighting bosses. It should be noted thought that you will not get every conversation in the game in the first try. Some events are turn limited, and usually, those events are the special ones that determine how the game branches or how well that certain person trusts you. Overall, it's a fun game for those who like psychological mysteries with some supernatural spice on top.
  3. Damn. Sorry to hear that man. Well, thank you for your work, anyway. You put a lot of time and effort into the project which says a lot. Maybe you'll be able to host another project with your own staff?
  4. Sorry guys, but I'm a Tsukihime man. Always have been a fan of the Nasuverse and always will. :3
  5. Thanks man. You know how awesome it is. :3

  6. ShrikeRisen


    I'll research this game a little bit, but it seems promising. Thanks for the downloads, Ivan!
  7. Hisui-Tsukihime She was Shiki's childhood friend that would play with him as Shiki grew at the Tohno Mansion. Save the maid! :3
  8. ShrikeRisen

    School Days

    But that's what makes it School Days. The ever so gory Bad Ends.
  9. ShrikeRisen

    Fortune Arterial

    Well, thank you for your work. I'm glad to know that the translation is in safe hands.
  10. Look like great minds think alike. :3
  11. LOL. It's a reference to the MasterCard commercial. I was making fun of it. :3
  12. As it did to all of us; thanfully, imaginary Eus are back and having a good time with original Eu. :3 "There are some things money can't buy. For everything else there's MasterCard."
  13. The entire planet explodes. Everyone dies.
  14. Thanks for sharing these. Did you just find them, or did you make some?
  15. You're awesome for posting this BG. You are officially a hero to me. :3
  16. Nope, this is Shrike placing a lame comment. ^bad at guessing
  17. Depends on how you think about it. :3

  18. -stalks your profile-


  19. I can see both of those becoming eroge. Definitely Angel Beats since that's a Key work. It'll be sad though. :/
  20. Well, even if you don't, thank you very much for showing a desire to support the fans. I know that what scanlators do is difficult, and you guys do it without really asking for much in return. The least I can do is say "thank you."
  21. I have some good memories, but I also have a lot of shitty ones. Life just sucks. :/
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