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Everything posted by ShrikeRisen

  1. LOL. It's sad isn't it? The world is just unfair. :/
  2. Oh, I see then. So are you saying that you are a profiler like Keima from TWGOK?
  3. So, in other words, you're just nosy. :/
  4. LOL. Wow. What exactly did you do to get those labels? O_________________O
  5. I really like these rules, Cael, but if they are voted as the official forum rules then can we make a thread or, even better, a sticky to display; however, no one is allowed to post there as it will only be used for instruction purposes.
  6. While I really agree with this idea, don't you think that some new users may feel discouraged while posting? Maybe it should be a little more lenient towards them; however, if excessive spamming, trolling, or the like continues to be a problem then I suggest banning.
  7. Make out with Saber, slowly strip her, and then when sex was supposed to happen throw a random dragon out of NOWHERE!!! I was so disappointed. :/
  8. Please don't refer to that overused Skyrim meme. :/ It's gotten old already. But yeah, crappy graphics like in really old games doesn't mean that the game is bad at all; in fact, sometimes it may be the best game you've ever played. Analyzing just from the graphics is like saying that all black and white movies are bad when quite a few are a lot better than today's movies.
  9. That is the difference between reality and fiction. Try not to let them mesh. :/
  10. This is like my worst nightmare come true. Why God!? WHHHHHHHHYYYYYYY!!!!!!? D:
  11. Well, that is mostly true. The only exception would be MANA TRANSFER. Oh, that mana transfer. :3
  12. So I'm not the only one to see Thomas the Train on the list? So I'm not crazy? O___________________O
  13. Fate/Zero and Zombie. Those are the big ones for me. :3 As for others, I've read the manga for Accel World, and I think that it's a decent concept. A fat kid becomes a hero through PvP online gaming where you gain hyperspeed brain power if you win a match.
  14. I agree with your Rance statement. Come on. Rance isn't Rance unless he's sleeping with every girl in sight. That what makes his character. He's an asshole, narcissist, pervert, warrior playboy. If you take that away then what will be left?
  15. Well, I didn't notice the first one, but whatever. I'm Shrike and I want to just introduce myself. I got into visual novels through a friend of mine on youtube, XerBlade. He got me into the Type-Moon products and then I later found other eroge that I liked. So, I started this around 2-3 years ago. Anyway, nice to meet you guys. :3
  16. Honestly, I always try to get 100% on each game, but sometimes work or other circumstances will happen after I've captured a girl or two that makes me leave the game for a few months. Yeah, it's sad, but the Real always tries to drag us away. :/
  17. I'm a Tsukihime fan. That game was amazing. :3
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