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Everything posted by switch

  1. after getting all CGs>>> HO HO HO....fap time!
  2. HITMAN: ABSOLUTION.............................and nothing else matters........
  3. ^i see...well watch out for the dildos scattered throughout the forum...they are deadly ho ho ho
  4. ^ Y U NO HAVE "fapping" AS UR HOBBIES??? anyway welcome to eroge forums...have fun lurking
  5. i didnt get d joke actually..im tired from the harvest work....
  6. rockstar...............
  7. im in a really fuked up mood.....really fuked up...feel likehunting and killing some good for nothing punks... too bad most of d punks here are the shitty type, they go down with a single blow of dildo slash
  8. unreal........ (also nobu is not a name...its a chinfag)
  9. lint...tat messed up all my cloths....now i need duct tape to remove it...tch..
  10. i second that...pain in the ass to get a GF..maintaining her is too much work....
  11. cael ur wish will be granted..das i will draw tat...saya ill draw tat too for now..here some neko mimi...drawn from a real life picture..time taken was 25 mins
  12. bI$#h please too mediocre this thread...but as they say..when in rome do as d assholes do...so mediocre pic...njoy pervs
  13. ^true....well you can just say ur fetish if its not there
  14. ^no no no ...bad boy!! torturing innocent girls isn't a good thing...go torture ur penis....
  15. okay sorry guys....my connection was over...
  16. hi!!! well some of u guys wanted to see switch sama's drawings.... my scanner is broke atm,so i can't upload fap-to quality pictures, therefore im taking pix with my phone and uploading,so for now make do with this untill i can buy a new scanner my specialty is "speed drawing",meaning i draw these things while on the bus or eating food,fapping,etc....therefore don'y expect mangaka quality... anyway here's the first one...i drew this today while on the bus...i got the original wallpaper from VNH last night and i liked to draw one for myself,i drew it by looking at the original in my phon
  17. Great judge-troll switch sama here....His excellency would like to know about your deepest darkest fetishes.... please explain what your fetish is and what it involves... my ones: 1.glasses: i luv girls with glasses...its just...idk how to sayit...irresistable 2:kuudere:love this one...in bed they are silent AND "submissive"~~~~if u kno wat i mean
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