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Everything posted by switch

  1. WELCOME TO MY DOMAIN....ho ho ho anyway im the superintendent troll around here....fully sanctioned by the admin ofc hope to see u on d shoutbox
  2. i forgot to write that S&M is my guilty-fap ho ho ho... i just love bondage play and sadistic sex im a sadist ho ho ho
  3. grim fandango... such a shame nobody played it at the time....i was d only one in my class (
  4. OOOHHH MY...ANOTHER FAP-WORTHY ANIME.... truly great!!! now we wait as we expect kami-niisama to make his appearance Exalted brother!! ftw...btw haqua sucks ...elcie FTW
  5. ^yup so true and yet so sad.....
  6. i cant believe it...THIS SHIT IS GETTING A 3RD SEASON....but berserk has been abandoned...... along with so many other greats such as hajime no ippo.... i am dissapointed at the industry and fans ...poor tastes
  7. ^ i know his avatar is not asahina..... i was just thinking about her *gets a boner again*
  8. ^ asahina san......i get boners by just writing her name ....shit
  9. i miss the days when i used to hide in a bush...the guy shows up in front of the grave...i shoot him...and he falls dead in the grave or killing a guy while delivering pizza....i miss those days...i miss the real splinter cell, the real gears of war and the real hitman let us mourn their loss.. btw EA games you suck bieber's pussy hairs...bcuz fuk u tats why ^bcuz one does not simply criticize games without insulting EA....
  10. A man with nothing to lose... a man looking for a girl....walks the path of a wanted man he delves into shadows,climbs walls,buildings,uses many gadgets to stay unseen, and when he is in trouble,he uses the environment against his enemies...the man is.....sam fish...---------ok ok ok ..wait a minute, this is a hitman review...WTF switch?splinter hell? switch: my friend...in absolution 47 is dead, sam fisher went on to become a monk after the last game.... he has now come back from tibet with a bald head, trying to save his other daughter vici-chuwan..oh and he faps to images of naked D
  11. I Switch-sama will second that, a truly godly manga
  12. ^ 7/10 i feel like the avatar wants to rape me or something LMAO
  13. ^ same here.... (has no idea what he is agreeing with)
  14. ..... what d fuq r people discussing here?.... its just an anime... i remember when me and my otaku of an uncle would discuss berserk for hours, now THAT was worth it SAO is good IMO but its not that great to be discussing it
  15. machine TL is shit, whether you use a super computer or a super fleshlight... shit is shit go learn japs and stop wasting time with that crap I KNO ULTIMECEA will flame you...so run with your penis between your legs while u can lol
  16. infinity fuck or treyfuk.... they are the same microfag games fucked gears of war 3.... EA fuked ME3,godfather 2,and crysis 2.... crysis 2...tat abomination, half the time i was shooting air,the other half i was doing acrobatics on cars,enemies and rooftops, i spent half of te game waiting for my battery to charge up...only to be empty in 1 second story? wtf is a story? oh nononononononono THAT WORD is blasphemy against god in EA games, if god forbids an employee comes up with a solid story ITS AGAINST COMPANY POLICY...HE will be butt raped and sold in mexico to a gay-prostitute whore l
  17. i see what you did there.... homo man LOLz well played my comrade in troll muwahahahahahahaha
  18. guys before reading i wanna say that im as stupid as a human gets...im not bragging ,please read withou t raging this is my honest opinion: guys wat d fuq? i mean look i learned jap in 18 months, now tell me how long is SORA gonna take to TL????? i tell you best estimate is late 2013 but i kno it will be 2015... lolz you guys wait months even years for a vn to be TLed....but you can learn japs in 6 months and start reading VNs using a dictionary (for difficult kanji), at 18 months you will be well on your way... 6 months=== moderate understanding, 18 months= very good understanding
  19. Modern warfaer 4 will be EPIC.... EPIC=== every player is conned what switch???? conned?? why??? because MW4 will have better graphics.....the graphics have improved around 0.000000004% compared to MW3 (a retarded blonde was used as chief CG designer) also the story will feature 56 different heroes so that at the end of the game you won't be able to tell if you were killing russians or playing as one... also there will BE NEW GUNS...YES!!! M4 and AK-47 will be in the game,you can also use a grenade and some dildo named "javeline"(it destroys tanks apparently) there is a NEW vehicle call
  20. ^ NOBU...you have a wife??? wtf? how can a gay-man have4 a wife? O_o
  21. ^ will get a good surprise when he wakes up tomorrow truth being he was drunk, he went into a gay bar... naked and asked for someone to give him a ride back home.....he got more than a ride it seems SOURCE: ryu's facebook page
  22. a lot of the trolls here are too obvious... amateures.. look if you wanna make a name for yourselves in the troll under-whore then you gotta sign up for my classes...its a 15 hour course for ONLY $5.99, your trolling career starts here! switch's troll-mastery academy will make you a Winner!!!! taught by master troll, switch , 5 time Mr.troll universe winner.... order now and you will get a switch action figure that says "trolololololo"...A-B-SOLUT-ELY FREE so order now!!! (batteries and penis sold separately)
  23. switch


    keep on talking...i got my popcorns.....
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