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Everything posted by switch

  1. *gets dilhammer ready to bash off topic ppl*
  2. henta20 DOWNLOAD d latest version of directx
  3. *stops nobu with his DILHAMMER (dildo + hammmer)*
  4. DONT TROLL HERE ...go to the troll thread for tat shit...
  5. murderer ......................
  6. ^didnt know??? nobu is also chinese...hence the nickname chinfag for nobu
  7. ^anti kamfag movie is out .....any1 interested?
  8. nobu if u take it too far ill call caboose on your ass...oh wait caboose is raping avenger..oh well...i tried
  9. *high fives nobu*-hate to say but i told you so! there isnt a single human being on this planet who won't fap LOL
  10. WARNING: any1 following nobu will become less than human in seconds...caboose went thru d horror once so did kamfag BEWARE OF D chinfag!(AKA nobu)
  11. ^no sir MEN means my soldiers AKA : thump,index,middle,ring and pinkie fingers....
  12. ^nobu sir you have quiet the WILL POWER...hours.... MEN!! TONIGHT WE FAP!! TOMORROW WE...fap again ...u mad bro?
  13. ^he is working on his anal skillz with nobu and caboose
  14. well pictures dont hav any effect on me..dont know why....porn has no effect either... but man if i say "hi"to a RL girl i'll blush like a tomato
  15. ^naruhodo ....then ur fapping can infect others?? onemanarmy shud stay away from you dear sir
  16. ^not bad sir...not bad aT all...she passes the quality check to be a fully fledged whore....
  17. ^no sir party of dildos,panties and stockings and nice round G-cup full breasts
  18. ^TAT cleavage..... *nose bleed* i wanne put my head on those breasts and sleeeeeeeeeeeep
  19. ^any1 running from nobu is sane...any1 NOT runnig is a ...fag LOL
  20. nobu safe house==== number one chinese fag house
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