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Everything posted by OneManArmy

  1. True, being allowed to skip the credits would have been so nice. And in my opinion the ending song isn't even that bad but if you literally have to hear it like (how many endings has the game? Six or seven?) a stupid amount of times then it will annoy you, sooner or later. I definitely agree with you there although they don't suit each other in terms of body size. I mean Suzu is on some CGs (especially on those where she stands right beside Soushichi) just too fucking small. Makes it look like Soushichi would date a 6 years old girl. I only wanted to list the main characters becau
  2. This review doesn't contain any major spoilers, so feel free to read. http://i1214.photobucket.com/albums/cc486/OneManArmy369/title_zpsaac00bc2.jpg Description Art Before I'm going to say anything about the art I want to mention that this is the first review I wrote since ages and writing it felt surprisingly good. Anyway, the art is definitely not outstanding and the backgrounds are from time to time a little bit plain but overall it's pretty well done. What I really liked though were the facial expressions of the characters because I could clearly feel how much love the arti
  3. Too bad but if you started to dislike the visual novel then it's probably the best choice to drop it asap before dislike will turn into hate. Although Mashiro's route is clearly superior so you'll definitely miss out the best part of the game, and I'm not saying that because of her being my waifu. Oh well, it's your choice and I'm totally accepting it.


    Oh what am I lying for. Die you fucking douchebag!!! I hate you!!! >.<

  4. Makes me kinda jaelous considering that I didn't finish anything the last 5 months.
  5. Each their own. Problem solved ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
  6. People say it's a total waste of time to read the same thing again because you won't enjoy it as much as during your first playtrough due to the fact that you already know what's going to happen but my second playthrough of ef fairy tale was more than just amazing and so I want to tell those people in a very polite way that they can fuck off but I can't find the right words at the moment and I've no idea what I wrote at the beginning of this painfully long sentence which makes me realize that I should probably end it right now.
  7. I can't even imagine how much fun it must be to record an entire Visual Novel.
  8. I really hope that you don't have to use a walktrough for completing KnS 2 because I'm still traumatized from its prequel which I tried to finish without help.
  9. Also called "The Visual Novel with the most awesome Heroine ever".
  10. http://i1214.photobucket.com/albums/cc486/OneManArmy369/sshot-20_zps0d5ccd6f.jpg
  11. Let's listen to some good German music. Oh and Switch, fuck you! Piano music is amazing.
  12. Why would they care about complicated games like OreTsuba if they can translate 4 nukige in the same amount of time?
  13. The only reason why I'm kinda interested in the game, and the BGM of course.
  14. 29°C outside ... FU weather!!! >.
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