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Everything posted by RussoTuristo

  1. http://myanimelist.net/profile/RussoTuristo
  2. Cho Dengeki Stryker. Currently re-reading the original Sagas just because I wanted to refresh my memory.
  3. They're both MangaGamer translations, the old one was bad because they used horrible translators.
  4. I wonder if I'm actually the oldest user here... That's depressing.
  5. No. It was my intention to mislead though.
  6. Lost Threads. Yeah, I cheated. I got nothing. Let the next person pick.
  7. Tomoko is a better heroine, and I do like her a bit more. But this isn't a popularity poll, and Mami is a lot more... err... waifu-able imo.
  8. I want to say Riho from DEARDROPS, but that really wouldn't work out, she'd hate my outlook on life. So I'm gonna say Mami from Canvas 2, she seems like someone who could help me keep my shit together (and that's a full-time job!). http://i.imgur.com/0BKsY.png
  9. Pretty much what desi said. These titles are cheap and quick to translate, and they're guaranteed to bring profit. Additionally, I'd like to note that it was "that" dreadful AX panel that caused so much not entirely warranted discontent about MG. People expected at least some story-driven titles to be announced, but there were none. It was a really bad move for MG, but in all honesty, it's not like the ratio of cheap nukige to story-driven titles changed that much. MangaGamer always has at least 2 and as much as 4-5 story-driven VNs in the works pretty much against business sense, as those
  10. I used to pirate back when I couldn't afford to buy. These days I mostly buy officially translated stuff from both JAST and MG. I still pirate fan-translated VNs, cause I don't want hard copies and it's a pain in the ass to import.
  11. Kohakuren FTW. I have a thing for haughty kitsune, and she's the perfect embodiment of the type. Fantastic VA work too.
  12. It's from the Chaos;Head VN, same as Gerard's above me.
  13. DC IF is pretty much one route, you're talking about the whole Kotori Love EX P. It might've been the best of Love EX P stories, but really, all stories in the original DC are dubious at best. You don't buy/read something like Love EX P for story. You do it to interact with the cute character depicted on the cover, and DC IF cheats you out of that.
  14. Hmm, Swan Song to some extent. The "better" end felt like it was just tacked on so people don't feel so down about the "worse" end, which was rather excellent.
  15. I've been sitting and staring at this for half a minute trying to find a response. Let's start with "why the hell not?"
  16. I'm generally not a fan of imoutos and childhood friends, as well as shy and submissive characters. But any type of character can be well-written and fun, so there's always a bunch of exceptions to the rule. Male side characters in VNs don't bother me at all. Heck, I've got one as my avatar.
  17. 1. Chaos;Head 2. Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo 3. Crescendo (for reasons of nostalgia more than anything)
  18. He's trying to run DCIIPC, not DCII.
  19. I read that as "less-than-10/10". Anyway, 10/10, who am I to argue.
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