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someguy withaname

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Status Updates posted by someguy withaname

  1. What the!? I didn't even know that happened. :p I guess there's no hiding the fact that I 'm lurking around here in the shadows now. lol

  2. Its a hobby of mine to collect pics from VNs and Anime that I have seen or read. I've collected several thousand over the years and I figured if anyone wanted to look at a few pics to add as their background or for anything else they could.

  3. Its a hobby of mine to collect pics from VNs and Anime that I have seen or read. I've collected several thousand over the years and I figured if anyone wanted to look at a few pics to add as their background or for anything else they could. Also figured since the album section is there I would put it to use.

  4. If I don't respond to someone it is because I am probably busy with rl stuff and have not had the time to get back to you, not because I'm trying to be rude. Sorry in advance for my crazy schedule. :)

  5. I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this but I really liked are back and forth and would like it if you would be my friend. I was worried for bit that I was not going to get a good debate going but you definitely made it fun. I'll be waiting in the winds later for some more so keep it coming. lol

  6. For some strange reason when I looked at your profile I got the impression that you liked Ushio Okazaki lol. Here are two that I have in my collection that you might also like. Also, happy belated birthday! :)



  7. I don't really know you either but Happy Birthday to you! :)

  8. Just finished Iris. Have to say that it wasn't too bad, thanks for posting the links. :)

  9. Not sure why but your thread that you created is not working for some reason. Also welcome to the forum!:) I'm still new here myself but its not too hard learning how everything works and everyone is pretty nice.

  10. Thanks, it is fun being here. Everyone has been really nice so far and I am hoping to ask a few more big questions to stir things up a bit here, in a good way though like the thread that I initially responded to. I'm still trying to get people to understand my unique sense of humor though so I changed my "about me" to help with that. ;)

  11. Hey man I hope everything is going well on your end. I was reading some reviews on the forum and I was wondering if I could contribute to the review section in anyway as well. I won't have a lot of free time come February, with a new job starting up and all, to read many VNs so I want to try and help out as much as can now before I start to fall behind. I have read the entire KID trilogy as well as Clannad and several other VNs not listed yet and I would have no problem throwing my two cents in on these or any others. Are their any qualifications the forum uses to decide who can write a review or is anyone allowed too?

  12. Hi Ivan,


    I'm still kind of new here but I was wondering if we could maybe give the Introductions Thread a "sticky" status. It seems like it was just a fluke but when I joined the forum the introductions thread was on the third page of the General Discussions & Debates Forum section and I did not find it until several days after I became a member. I know that I'm new and that I can sometimes seem abrupt, first time being a part of an online forum and really shy by nature, but I am just trying to help out and I think that being able to find the introduction thread right away no matter what would make it easier for new members to get started off on the right foot. Also, from what I heard on the shoutbox it is a day later for you than for me but for what its worth Merry Christmas!

  13. Happy Birthday Azu-nyan!!!

  14. Happy Birthday wiitoy200!!! :)

  15. Hey!! Yes I am lol. Forever lurking and bringing madness to every forum I frequent. :)

  16. Hey!! Yes I am lol. Forever lurking and bringing madness to every forum I frequent. :cool:

  17. Your probably one of the nicest people I've come across on this forum so if you want another friend its there.

  18. I warned everyone not to look if they didn't want spoilers.

  19. Well for anyone that might be interested in this hopeless fans opinions on VNs and anime check out my new blog at The Other Side of Anime. There is not much content at the moment though, with Umineko being freakishly long and occupying most of my free time, but once I finish with it there should be a lot more content popping up. I'll be adding some of the Anime and Manga I liked as well as updating my Umineko adventure periodically so if anyone is interested it is there.

  20. yeah I found that out yesterday too. It happens no matter what setting I put my albums on. That kind of sucks though since I put spoilers on everything but it still shows up there. Kind of defeats the point of spoiler warnings.

  21. I can still see all my picks though so it looks like I'm still in a bind. I still have a few more novels and some extra pics I want to upload but I don't want to do that if it is going to keep popping up on Whats New? section.

  22. I can still see all my pics though so it looks like I'm still in a bind. I still have a few more novels and some extra pics I want to upload but I don't want to do that if it is going to keep popping up on Whats New? section.

  23. What the!? I didn't even know that happened. :p I guess there's no hiding the fact that I'm lurking around here in the shadows now. lol

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