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Posts posted by desi

  1. I wonder why he wants to release a patch considering how close he is getting to completion of the project? Especially with the speed he is translating


    DON'T QUESTION HIM. Actually, I really have no clue.. but it makes people happy, so let them have it.. I'll still wait for the full thing. He said translation might be stalled for a bit in Decemberish because he has some things to take care of.. so instead of people bitching at him for translation speed, he can get this patch out and they'll have something to play. The whole 5 heroine patch was planned a couple of months back though, so that theory kind of fails.

  2. For someone into sociology as much as I am, the unbelievability of the events in the latter part of the story ruined it for me, I was able to gloss over the brutal murder of the other candidate at the very start (for being a few seconds/minutes late, wtf?) but the utter disjunction between a penal system focussed on rehabilitation and the people involved being stupidly cruel (disney villain cruelty, completely out of place in the setting itself) just made it too silly. The obligation to not exist? I couldn't believe that silly shit if I tried, even if it did make the MC's narrating fitting.


    When I play VNs, I usually just throw all logic out the window and engross myself with the particular setting that is presented. Almost all VNs that I've played have some type of unrealistic setting, so I don't think it's feasible in my mind to comment on how realistic a VN is. I don't think I would enjoy VNs like Fate Stay/Night if that were the case. As far as what Houzuki does, it makes sense in the context of the VN. His motivation is not of evil alone. He truly believes that what he is doing will improve society and preserve its security, regardless of the cost of the number of lives.

  3. Surprised I didn't see mention of Sharin no kuni, it starts out rather well and then takes a massive downhill slide toward the second half and doesn't stop sliding, some of the endings even completely ignore the events of the final chapters.


    Even if the epilogues were sort of weak for the heroines, I thought chapter 4 and 5 were the absolute best parts of SNK. Natsumi + the twist(s) in the last chapter were the best part for me.

  4. Yeah, i'm not playing it until the full patch is out either. I actually probably won't play it until he finishes translating the fandisc, which might be a while from when he finishes Rewrite. Just saying, you only have ~15k lines after the partial patch until the full patch is out. Pretty damn good news.

  5. double post for important and awesome news


    Shizuru route in Rewrite is done.. woot




    Rewrite Total Lines: 75493/101220 (74.58%)


    Next route is the Akane route


    Akane Route

    Scripts: 0/3 (0%)

    Lines: 0/10440 (0%)

    KB: 0/376.95 (0%)


    After this route, Ixrec will release another partial patch with the 5 heroine routes translated so far. He said he expects this patch to be out in less than a month. Rewrite is inching closer and closer to competition.

  6. I might have forgotten about this, since i completed the game a long time ago.


    Now that i think about it, didnt Sharin no Kuni use the same style?


    Nope, Sharin no kuni is very linear. The only thing that was different were a few dialogue changes, h-scenes, and the epilogue.


    Regarding G-senjou, I did feel that the side routes were kind of mediocre.. but the true route was awesome and had a nice build-up... but yeah, they kind of did sacrifice the quality of the side routes.

  7. ty, its 1.3 gb which is bigger than the 970 mb but it might just be a uncompressed version. The preview pics doesn't help at all because its the same pic from island parts. Wish someone who has played this could answer


    If this download has the same features/translation as the one on this site, then I'm assuming that's the entire game that was intended to be translated. Or maybe it's just locked out somehow... not sure, never played this.

  8. is this game fully translated?? I saw on vndb this is fully translated


    anyone can give me some enlightenment ??


    It is not fully translated. The latest patch that is out covers about 52% of the game. You can follow progress here or the weekly Ryu thread updates. You can also get the patch on the TLWiki page or on here if you wish to read the partial translation.

  9. Another awesome episode. Epic engrish throughout. Definitely had a good laugh with the Rikka and Sanae scene.


    Had a good laugh at most of these:


    Class reaction in the beginning.

    Rubber band shot.

    Twin tails spin


    Wink at the end.



    Yuuta always complains about Rikka, yet he still hangs out with her. Probably because she sort of represents Yuuta's former self and it's a way for Yuuta to experience the nostalgia without actually being the Dark Flame Master. In a way, you might be able to see it as a struggle.. guess we'll see later if he fully embraces it or sets it aside for good. Or they just like being around each other and won't fully admit it yet. Oh yeah, what do you think is Nibutani's motivation for joining that club? Maybe she was like Yuuta and is repressing the delusions... or maybe she just likes him. Probably the last one again.


  10. BTW, any idea to prevent the file from being removed from MediaFire? Just in case.


    There really isn't a surefire way to prevent MF from deleting links. I guess renaming the title to something obscure and random might help.

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