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Posts posted by desi

  1. You should play all of the routes. There is important information in all of the routes except for possibly Aoi, and you won't get the full experience if you skip routes. There is an enforced route order for a reason. Can I ask what routes you were thinking of skipping?

  2. My opinion on this episode


    [spoiler=Episode4]I don't really mind the personality change. In fact , I sort of saw it coming. Well.. I didn't totally expect a huge character shift. But now it's pretty much apparent and totally obvious.. now that Yuuta's idealized vision of Nibutani has crashed and burned, the field is totally clear for Rikka to be the main girl... not that anyone didn't think it wasn't going to be her.. it just makes it much easier for the story now since they don't have to put a huge emphasis on rejection since it isn't really that type of anime.


  3. Heya guys, I'm kinda new here, so what games do you recommend? The ones I finished so far are Monster Girl Quest 1 and 2, Katawa Shoujo and I'm currently palying Hoshizora no Memoria. Thanks in advance!


    What kind of VNs do you like? From the ones you mentioned, it looks like you have a pretty diverse taste, which is a good thing. Did you like all the ones you've finished/are reading so far? Just as a general recommendation: I recommend Sharin No Kuni. Good mix of Comedy + Drama and a really great setting dealing with society. Check it out when you have a chance.

  4. Rewrite unlike other VNs with true route doesn't, need to play true route to know its mystery or awesomeness.Just one Chihaya route and everything is explained and solved.It is like reaching the true end with Chihaya as your partner.Everything is solved perfectly.



    Sorry, I just don't buy this. I'm 100% positive you need the Moon + terra part to fully understand what Rewrite is about. One route explaining the entire story.. that's just not something that I buy.

  5. How about Saya no Uta? If you don't mind horror/violence, it's a GREAT read. If you can't stand that stuff, check out Period... most of the characters are designed as lolis.

  6. Oh c'mon guys, that picture is obviously a bad joke. I mean, it has to be a joke...right? =\


    YES. It's a joke.. has to be.


    Here's the main guy complaining about me after I pointed out the horrible translation


    no worries,, actually i expect some english elitish will do complain like that.Don't let them make you down. We don't need to heed nor do all of their complain. It won't end. Keep our progress like usual
  7. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

    Why? Why did they have to ruin this for me? That better be the raw translation before editing and TLC.


    That was actually a picture they showed teasing the demo patch... Yes.. they used that picture to TEASE a patch. I really do hope it's before editing.



    Finally, does anyone know anything about the translation of Neko Kawaigari (http://vndb.org/v1320)?


    It got a C&D. There is a partial patch out. They said it was picked up by someone in /jp/... Almost anything that gets picked up by some anonymous dude in /jp/ = you'll never hear of it again.

  8. How much is Majikoi translated, is it almost finished? I just got it today.


    The Majikoi Miyako route has been at 50% for a while. The translator did state that he will not drop it and he's looking for free time to finish the rest of the game. It's going to take a while though. The current partial patch that is out translates the Prologue, Chris route, Momoyo (+afterstory), Yukie route (+afterstory), Wanko route, and teacher side route. So you still have Miyako, true route, plus other side routes left.

  9. I pretty much agree with OMA. I just want to point out that it takes several generations of direct incest until there is a good chance for child defects. Not that that it's something that I'm interested in in real life, just something that is enjoyable in VNs for taboo purposes.

  10. It's much easier for MG to sell nukiges. It doesn't take too much time to translate, they can release it relatively quickly, and they can make a good return. Also, the licenses for the nukiges are way cheaper than some of the bigger VNs. I do wish they pick up more story driven VNs, but the points made earlier still hold valid. That being said, MG does have 2 secret projects that are supposedly story driven VNs. Look forward to them in the future.... whatever the hell they are.

  11. Is it me, or the overall lines amount is the same?

    Translation status is Common route 100%, Sora route 68.2%, Kazuha 87.8%, Akira 26.5%, overall 16076/39696 (40.5%) lines translated.



    Translation status is Common route 100%, Sora route 73%, Nao 0.1%, Kazuha 88.7%, Akira 30.2%, Motoka 0.8%, overall 16076/39696 (40.5%) lines translated.


    Yep, it's supposed to be ~16888/39696 aka 42.5%, which is what they have on their translation page.. they just forgot to update the total lines translated.

  12. Good to know. Then it's getting it and putting it away in hope translation is fairly quick and does not stall (unlike Honey Coming and 11eyes).


    I pretty much guarantee it won't be stalled. It's not being done by an amateur group or anything and it's been getting steady progress pretty much every week. It's still a couple of months away from completion, but it's going to be awesome to look forward to. Also sumika.

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