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Everything posted by Maoh

  1. Ok now i got all the inspiration i needed My music option is grayed out (maybe because i haven't even started the game yet... derp) but the music is on the bgm folder, you don't need any tool just play it raw from there They're ogg files so you'll need some real player to listen to them, i suggest this thing, wich from my point of view is a must-have player on any pc And i think my one handed skill increased a lot tonight
  2. Hmmm... i will need to take a look at your wallpaper to be able to offer a solution
  3. Maoh

    Monster Girl Quest - Part 3

    I love you Ivan Yes full translation
  4. Some good ones are 2x2=Shinobudden and Excel Saga, the lack of sense is just beautiful And as always VN > anime
  5. ^ No no no and no play minesweeper instead, it has a better gameplay
  6. Holy crap, making all backgrounds, sprites and cg's from zero is really a big step I wish i had the talent and time to help with it (besides what i draw on my free time at work i don't actually get time to enjoy my hobby) May i suggest you just get cg's from 3dcg and then redraw over them? that would save lots of time and it wouldn't be copyrighted Keep on the good work!
  7. Maoh

    Pretty Soldier Wars A.D. 2048

    I used Cheat Engine to increase the speed but the battle system is stupid anyways the cg was kinda nice tho
  8. My hard drive haz 3TB on it idk wut u taling bout srsly almost no vn can go past 20GB between ISO image and installation, you should just start burning old games on DVDs and there are a few games that match the criteria, like Knights of Xentar, Kaminari no senshi Raidy and Monmusu Quest!, all of them are light as fck
  9. Maoh

    Oldschool RPG?

    Awesome games, trying some of them already thanks!
  10. For some reason i feel like playing some classic rpg like the ones where you make a party and go kill stuff and lvl up and die to the strongest monsters over and over and stuff like that, so i searched and found FF, baldur's gate, Fallout, might&magic, planescape; but they don't actually feel "oldschool" at all I'm looking for something like Cladun or Phantom Brave (yeah those who look like games from NES) Any recommendation would be appreciated
  11. Welp, there's the Galaxy Angel Trilogy wich has vn storyline, dating sim stuff, awesome gameplay and anime styled scenes
  12. This is the typical directory problem, so try the legendary solutions: Are you sure your computer has japanese enabled? Try reinstalling the game Maybe the download file is corrupted? Did you messed with the files after installing them?
  13. :s yeah if you don't know what you're doing better don't touch that just close everything else while you play and pray to the eroge goddess so it doesn't crashes
  14. My pc has 2GB as well and im running it w/o problems May i suggest opening the task manager and closing everything but the game?
  15. Maoh

    Thief and TROLL

  16. Have you tried another game? Usually all these problems are caused for a corrupted ISO, you could try downloading it from here
  17. Hmm just checking, the text will continue if we click anywhere on the screen ( like most vns ) or only on the continue button? Did you enabled any other way to continue reading other than mouse clicking? like pressing Enter, mouse scroll down or some auto read feature? And niiice one on the bad ending screens, i love to get every possible ending before i call a game completed, and is hard to keep a track of every ending you get when there's no clear way to identify them
  18. I know that feel bro, i want to start Esperia's route but those long ass battles are a pain The only thing i can suggest is to start the game at the easiest difficulty and use Cheat engine to both lvl up your chars to max lvl and use the speedhack so things get faster
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