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Everything posted by Pasa

  1. https://erogegames.com/otoboku-maidens-falling-me-361/
  2. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/Ei2UXd8.png Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1933/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (83.8%)" Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 70% translated, partial patch released Apathy Midnight Collection - Murder Club 100% translated and edited, Okuri Inu - 50.8% translated AstralAir - 100% translated, release a long ways off Ayakashi Gohan (otome) - 93% Complete Black Wolves Saga (otome) - 100% translated, 59/65 (90.76%) scripts t
  3. Happy birthday Ahri-chan <3

  4. Pasa


    Its the 100% patch.
  5. Its the first under Sekai "uncut editing nearly complete"
  6. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/3zdOy2b.jpg Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1933/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (83.8%)" Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 70% translated, partial patch released Apathy Midnight Collection - Murder Club 100% translated and edited, Okuri Inu - 50.8% translated AstralAir - 100% translated, release a long ways off Ayakashi Gohan (otome) - 93% Complete Belloncho Body Inspection - Released Black Wolves Saga (otome) - 100
  7. I saw this and garbed it before they deleted it. http://i.imgur.com/q93T6Vu.png So here you go: https://mega.nz/#!CgxzwBgI!imh08s44dmTSP6kiIg5HJHaXmy4GYXLoX_0tnthO1SM
  8. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/3zdOy2b.jpg Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1879/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (81.4%)" Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 70% translated, partial patch released Apathy Midnight Collection - Murder Club 100% translated, 85.6% edited, Okuri Inu - 33.8% translated AstralAir - 100% translated, release a long ways off Ayakashi Gohan (otome) - 93% Complete Black Wolves Saga (otome) - 100% translated, 59/65 (90.76%) script
  9. You first need to use the installer to install the game Screenshot by Lightshot After you install it you go to the crack folder and copy everything that is in it to where you installed the game.
  10. There are actually 2 more and one still in development, the second game is also translated and I can link it here if you want me to. The third game is getting translated right now.
  11. Yosuga no Sora, while the game is not yet 100% translated the sister route is. You can get it here https://erogegames.com/yosuga-no-sora-248/ and the English patch here https://trjr.wordpress.com/ as the one we have outdated.
  12. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/nTvfXLE.png Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1879/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (81.4%)" Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 70% translated, 68% edited Apathy Midnight Collection - Murder Club 100% translated, 71% edited, Okuri Inu - 33.8% translated AstralAir - 100% translated, release a long ways off Ayakashi Gohan (otome) - 93% Complete Black Wolves Saga (otome) - 100% translated, 59/65 (90.76%) scripts tlc, on semi
  13. JAST update: Nympho-sensei Ryoko (Bitch na Ichinichi) - Coding, QA Princess X - Translation 100%, Editing and coding. Sumaga - Editing 70% Trample on Schatten - Translation 100%, editing, image decensoring.
  14. http://i.imgur.com/FP97Mpa.png The first in a series of SRPGs parodying the Super Robot Wars franchise to retell the events of Touhou canon; this game focuses on EoSD. Two routes and a third unlockable. Made by Sanbondo. Download: https://files.secureserver.net/4soFoHFWflgI71
  15. http://gelbooru.com//images/0c/d1/0cd10e6c2a755d1b6815e32d8d2b0e15.gif?2729327
  16. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/2RjwqLz.png Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1879/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (81.4%)" Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 70% translated, 68% edited Apathy Midnight Collection - Murder Club 100% translated, 51.2% edited, Okuri Inu - 33.8% translated AstralAir - 100% translated, release a long ways off Ayakashi Gohan (otome) - 93% Complete Black Wolves Saga (otome) - 100% translated, 59/65 (90.76%) scripts tlc, on se
  17. Seinarukana Beat Blades Haruka Réserve Réserve 1/2
  18. If you mean Reserve + Reserve 1/2 then here you go NT > Reserve And Reserve Half English Roms with Original Roms and Tool (PC-98) Also if you dont trust torrents the just wait until Ivan posts it here.
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