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Everything posted by killerinsidee

  1. ^ It will be when koestl posts some stats, no news about it yet.
  2. Happy B-day.


  3. Ikikoi release | Ate the Moon Translations is out.
  4. There was this nice quote I've read somewhere long time ago - "A Year From Now You'll Wish You'd Started Today".
  5. Is this going to turn into one of those long Japanese learning discussions? :/
  6. ^ That way you don't get disappointed, it works pretty well.
  7. See if you can save and load the game like that. Most of the time this "trick" doesn't work really well since the game can't create the saves like it couldn't create the folder. If you can't save or get some errors, just reinstall it outside the users folder, to c:\shinikiss.
  8. It say that it can't create the necessary save data and that you should reinstall it. I'm guessing it just can't create those config files required to run the game for the first time. Did you installed it in some funky folder or something? Can you try to install it again and run without the eng patch? Edit: Try going to the game folder and create a folder called SaveData, then try to run the game again. Edit2: Do you have some funky Windows username with odd letters and shit? If you do then that's your problem. Assuming that the game is installed here - puu.sh/5iaTE
  9. It's telling you to put disc 1 in the E: drive. Guess you should do that.
  10. The first option is - Run the game from the DVD disc. The second is - Install to the Hard Disk. It's odd that nothing happens when you click on the 2nd option. Try to copy the game to a something like \desktop\something\... or shorten the folder names. Maybe that file path is too huge. Sometimes games can't cope with that and crash (like Aoishiro).
  11. The installer if bitching because it wants the disc in the drive, but you can't do that since there is no actual ISO to mount. What you need to do is - on that launcher screen (last picture), click on that 2nd option (HDDヘインストール) and it should install it. Then just run the game. I should also mention that the game has some stupid "save import system" in case you're thinking of getting a 100% save...for whatever reason : D.
  12. Happy Birthday *insert witty comment and/or clannad picture here*.

  13. That game didn't crash for me, though it seemed a bit buggy to me. You could try setting your location and Format to Japan/Japanese in the region and language settings, that's required for some games to run.
  14. Happy B-day...and ban day, i guess xD

  15. Maybe Earthbound, Mother 3, Riviera or Terranigma?
  16. ^ There are a few awesome ones like Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi, it was so good.
  17. Only NyaaTorrents >> [???? Palette][091030][596025] ?????????? ? Mashiro Iro Symphony and NyaaTorrents >> (18????)[091030][????]?????????? -Love is pure white- (iso+mds+rr), but crap seeds on both. And no, it's not translated.
  18. ^ Maybe the tooth fairy will grant you that wish someday if you promise not to watch too much hentai, other then that - no.
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