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Everything posted by killerinsidee

  1. ^ I think it goes in our favor that the game will be released in parts and not 100k lines at once, that way the TL will be done sooner. Or at least it should work like that, depends who picks it up.
  2. killerinsidee

    Tsukihime Plus+Disc

    I haven't played Kagetsu Tohya yet, but from what I remember[spoiler=Plus+Disc]There was only a side story with a different MC (some girl) and some extra stuff with Neko Arc messing around with Satsuki
  3. ^ Do we really want a 10 hour long jrpg/srpg? :/
  4. Not sure if anyone cares, but - Kara no Shoujo - Voiced Edition
  5. ^ Well, you could play it just to see Yuuko-sensei futa rape the twin lolis. That's about it.
  6. ^ I'm glad I don't study Chinese, it seems way worse then Japanese.
  7. I would say hell no to Rosetta Stone. If you have money to burn, buy some some textbooks instead. I think it does teach you some basic writing, but it's fucking silly http://cdn.lingualift.com/blog/wp-content/files/2011/01/rosetta2-560x418.jpg.
  8. When I was going to primary school, we were "forced" to learn German for some fucking reason and just when I was about to go to high school (last year of primary school) they added a choice between German and English. In high school they didn't let me take English because I didn't take any classes in primary school orz. So I actually didn't attend a single day of English classes in school, oddly enough. What Ryu said is true, just listen and read. Fuck school, you won't learn any languages at school. Not to mention that the way of studying languages in school is not very productive, especi
  9. ^ Even if it is horrible, those 4-5 sounds don't matter much anyway.
  10. Currently (not)playing - Grisaia Next - Homeless Joshi Gakusei Looking forward to - Same as desi + LB EX and Air.
  11. AAI2 partial is out - Ace Attorney Investigations: Prosecutor's Path
  12. Thief and TROLL partial had been released on hongfire forums - Thief and TROLL.
  13. 1 hour per day my not be a lot of time, but considering that fan translators have no benefit of translating stuff nor they get paid, you have to look at it from that angle. Would you do something for 1 hour per day for some random people while working a full time job and some other shit? If you are, that's great. You're one of the rare few, but I don't think most people are just willing to spend so much time on it just for the hell of it.
  14. ^ Miu's route will be translated last and I think this partial will lack only that route. http://staircasesubs.com/2013/06/03/status-post-3rd-june/ - "So in regards to the patch that was originally scheduled for 9/9, nothing has particularly changed. As originally announced, whatever gets released will depend on the progress as we approach the date. "
  15. Not sure if anyone linked this already - Rance IV -Legacy of the Sect- Release | Rance Translations.
  16. ^ Orange Marmalade is pretty good, I've been reading that one for a while now. I'm currently reading Koibana Onsen. It's basically a h-manga, more or less. Not even sure why I picked it up -.-.
  17. Ace Attorney Investigations 2 - translation: 90%, editing 65% That's a nice surprise.
  18. [spoiler=Oreimo 14-16]To be honest, I don't know what to think about this. While I was watching season one I really wanted to see a Kirino ending, but also a Kuroneko ending. Now that I've seen this Kirino ending, it wasn't all that awesome and epic as I imagined it to be. Kyousuke was just too hyper in these 3 episodes and it felt like I was watching some gag anime about Oreimo. Probably the best moment in these episodes was Kuroneko's scene minus the crazy yelling. Most of the other stuff was just crazy overkill madness. The ending is more or less the same as the LN one, but they skipped a w
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