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Everything posted by Alien

  1. [insert stuff to avoid text limit]
  2. >Implying Versus XIII will ever come out Seriously, it was announced six years ago and still doesn't have a release date. It's the new Duke Nukem Forever.
  3. ^ That looks quite painful.
  4. I was pretty indifferent on 7. 8 was a goddamn technological marvel and it's got some brilliant animation for the time, but its story is godawful and it's incredibly breakable with a levelling system that actively punishes you for not gaming it. 10 is fairly pretty and its gameplay is interesting, but its cast is godawful with a mediocre story. I don't do MMOs, so haven't played 11. 12 is awful all around - it isn't much prettier than previous stuff, it has a shitty cast, it has a terrible story, and its gameplay is flat out pants on head retarded. 13-1 is pretty but boring and repetitive and
  5. Mine is pretty much impossible, and involves more the developers than the game itself. Give me a game in a world envisoned by Kinoko Nasu and Brandon Sanderson and Guy Gavriel Kay. A game written by Scott Lynch (plot), Jim Butcher (dialogue), and Night Watch-era Terry Pratchett (fucking everything). A game animated by ufotable with a blank check and a Miyazaki-like vision. A game scored by Yuki Kajiura, with collaboration from KOKIA and Akiko Shikata and Yasunori Mitsuda. Give it difficulty ranging from "challenging but beatable" to "Atlus and IntSys' horrible lovechild". Gameplay? The bastar
  6. Alien

    Summer Animes!

    It's been announced that Yuki Kajiura will compose for Sword Art Online. So even if it's a blatant dotHack knockoff, at least it'll have good music. Only thing I'm probably going to watch. Maybe the Code Geass OVA as well, depending on if I remember/care by the time it's out.
  7. Fate/Zero #17 The Eighth Contract This one isn't going to be quite as exciting or game-changing as the first few, I don't think. There'll be a few episodes of setup again before the endgame.
  8. From everything I know, the tabletop V:tM is better in pretty much every way, aside from the obvious differences in medium. Hm. Maybe we could try doing some tabletop stuff here. Not necessarily V:tM. Also yes Malkavians are the best. You should probably play them the second time around, though, just so you can really get the stuff they reference.
  9. I don't really have any opinion either way on guys being posted.
  10. I don't think schoolgirls usually have heels that high- oh well.
  11. Collars are substantially excellent, yes. I sometimes wear a choker myself.
  12. Hey, thanks for the thread!
  13. Has anybody announced an intention to translate Mahoutsukai no Yoru in full, rather than just the trial? Because god I want to read about Aoko Aozaki blowing shit up instead of just seeing her work in the background.
  14. Would you count FLCL as shonen? Because that's the only one that comes to mind. Shonen isn't really my thing.
  15. Ugh. You never want to have sex on a beach, trust me. But on topic... By the way, is there anything against non-drawn pictures? Because the vast majority of my uh. Folder's contents are of real girls.
  16. This is a pretty good way to put it, thanks! Anyway, episode 16 is out. Fate/Zero #16 The End of Honor
  17. The name is silly and I'm not even sure how to translate it (though admittedly I'm incredibly bad at German). White & Black? Is there a significance to that, or is it gibberish (but foreign)? Anyway, the concept is... interesting, I guess, but I'm not really one for collectibles of any sort. Never had much to do with trading cards aside from a brief thing with Yugioh like ten years ago.
  18. Madoka was pretty awesome, yeah. Both the writer and composer actually went on to work on Fate/Zero, currently airing. /hype I don't think it wants a true sequel, nor does it thematically have room for one. I don't really have any thoughts on the "interquel" sorts of sequels that are already out, but most of the extra material seems like blatant pandering and merchandising. The fact that I'm pretty sure none of the original team is involved with any of those sequels probably helps in that dismissal.
  19. Vastly different studios and teams behind them. The Stay Night anime was by Deen, who have a spectacularly bad track record with adaptations (see also Umineko). Zero is done by ufotable, who have previously done a Type-Moon adaptation (Kara no Kyoukai) that Nasu said he thought was better than the original. KnK was early in Nasu's career, but still.
  20. Everything in Fate/Zero is canon. Urobuchi wrote it with the full approval of Nasu. The anime isn't perfectly faithful to the light novels, but the changes mostly involve stuff like how various abilities are explained or rearranging some content (Papa Tohsaka's explanation of why he gave Sakura to the Matous was originally a monologue from later on in the story, for example).
  21. Currently playing Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 2. Never actually played the first one, but have played other SMT games (Persona 3 and 4 + Nocturne). Am doing a no-deaths run on the first playthrough. I tried to play it with no free battles either, but the game is far too hateful for that. It's wonderful. Currently on day 4.
  22. Holy crap, that's fantastic work. Do you know who drew it? As for me, uh.
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