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Everything posted by Nobu

  1. Yes but according to those legends, she needs to be splashed with water constantly and no sperm doesn't count
  2. Oh hell no tell me u don't want a miniature mermaid U no why elves have long lives? So when u get old, ur still fking fresh meat, and when u die+reborn, u can IMMEDIANTLY start fking her as a baby
  3. You gain fame. And a whole lot of other prizes that I won't reveal because it'll make ppl greedy
  4. Nobu


    It does really not differ from D2 as much as people were made to believe, but just think of it as a large sized game expansion pack+new characters, though personally i dont think i'll buy it =/ only really got into D2 since i got it 4 free (Btw, turned into random games thread?)
  5. You could always remove the post count for that kind of post, like add in a extra button that says "Remove count" or something, less work than deleting something, atleast imo. Afterall, posting is all 4 them post counts Oh...i wasnt suppose 2 say that...
  6. Mermaid tailjob? sounds interesting...but @ the same time...scary unless u have a gorilla size mhmm, the tail would crush it
  7. Naked ice sculptures of bunnies humping a a hippo
  8. No asking the mermaid to cut a few holes open isn't the solution
  9. Where are u gonna stick ur dingdong? One does not simply accept blowjobs as a replacement for sex
  10. Late, L8 say it with me, "L-eight" There is too many lolis
  11. Well then it's no and no for harem o.o where does the yes come from ?
  12. Well no u don't deserve a welcome because ur l8
  13. See, it was all reasonable as to why u choose cats but the last part just made me reconsider considering anything u say anymore...that poor poor cat that probably gets raped every night (lol)
  14. i actually no a shotacon ...shes...a pedo.
  15. Nobu


    true true, friends can make poker more fun than playing something like league w.o friends.
  16. Nobu


    Ah I meant something huge and not some minor rumor but I guess from what ur saying there's gonna be some. Btw I meant summary not ( unmet) auto correct is killing me -just reread the summary, and yeah it was a 33 year old mystery case, thats what made me watch the first episode in the first place cant wait
  17. Not like them elves! XD I wouldnt mind the rest either except mermaids...I don't see me sticking my dingdong into more than one hole, the mouth... There's just no other hole
  18. Elfs b/c they are unnaturally big breasted
  19. Nobu


    Yup yup, I'm just hoping a big mystery comes up sooner or later since the guy had such a good brain. I think the unmet of the show hinted something about solving mysteries but I dont remember.
  20. Nobu


    It's a winner for me speaking of which, the mangaka is the same one for k-on or so I heard. I think I like it because the protagonist outshines that fat thing in accel world and a lot of the others in this season. The hair thing was a tick off for me as well, like wtf?
  21. ^ jelly of nobu's pro 3rd person skills
  22. OY!!!!!!!!!! UR THE 900TH MEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!! @#$#%$^$^#$!##$!#$@#$#$@$@#$$@#$#@$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#, alright a bit late but good enuff.

  23. U don't like harems anyways and if u like fresh meat, then u must like 5 lbs of fresh meat
  24. Nobu


    Yeah well the game brought back some good memories of d2 but the fact that they capped it to lv13 was a let down gameplay was pretty good but I couldn't find a good...any crossbow for my DH so I had to use a bow -(Editted so many times...autocorrect on phone ftw x.x)
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