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Everything posted by Nobu

  1. Kk I'll pardo... Wait a minute...YOU DID ASK ME TO PARDON UR ARSE!!!!! - well anyways I'll stop posting here for awhile
  2. Sorry I was busy hunting down a person that asked me to pardon them, u were saying?
  3. Stupid VN, already 200 something posts. To bad u still can't achieve my level of specialness
  4. And then i shall formally welcome emiya in 35 posts
  5. I shall formally welcome amorim in 20 seperate posts
  6. Current fav, thou I might change it once someone find out that I fap to those http://www.wallchan.com/images/sandbox/1305901556-headphones-brunette-angel-girls-wings-music-wallpaper.png
  7. What if u troll but dont live under a bridge like VN does
  8. Oh make me a planet in place of a wedding ring?
  9. But me and jiggly live and populate mars
  10. Yeah think about how I feel getting told by avenger to have my head chopped off
  11. I think it's when u see or play the thing, someone like 20 years from now will laugh at how ugly the art is now b/c they'll be playing virtual 3d vns
  12. Well u could just chop off the top part, poor Eu
  13. Jigglypuff using my disco stick as a microphone.
  14. Old art is bad art, ofc there are exceptions, there always are, for example daibanchou, old shit but I still enjoy causing orgasms o.o
  15. Cael u voted bro? Pound it! Alright...did 3 people vote arrogant girl to mess with my head?
  16. Toodaloo, as in ill cya.
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