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Everything posted by Nobu

  1. Yeah I would love that, and if u don't want to then... It's philosophy time: get a tenticle monster to capture her and then save her before she gets raped. This gets a good nobu% of them girls.
  2. U don't need his approval, just drag Laura into bed
  3. What if I stole ur virtual machine and place it in there , would I be able to use it? And no, ur sentry guns cant get me since ima nobu
  4. ^ is about to engage in a forced argument with nobu ( hehehe)
  5. ^Hasnt met the person that likes to get into argument yet.
  6. Nobu-Fucious is in everyone, u just need to stop taking those pills that make u sane, or is it just me....
  7. That's it, do I have to break out the old nobu's native language? Nobu nono buno nobubu nobubu bunono ubon , oh wait, there's no such thing.
  8. Well, I think it's time for the nobu-philosophy session; u could just borrow Cael s chamber and use it with him, just make sure not to imagine Cael instead of mashiro...u might wake up screaming
  9. 2nd thought, i gotta sleep so ill cya
  10. Just gimme another 4 hrs for the surgery were I hafta reattach my ear and no, not because I thought it was smart to break the glass @ the zoo and tried to pet a saber tooth tiger (I obviously cut it off shaving my pubes), I'm gonna need a discount on my nuke though, all these surgeries are leaving me broke.
  11. If I didn't have to get surgery to pull out this bullet from my ass (no I want stupid enuff to sit on a loaded gun, pointed up...) I would hafta nuke u
  12. Or meet up with her and then SELL HER, and then save her from the rapist that bought her off u, wala.
  13. Did u just imply that nobu is stupid!??!?!? I WILL CHASE U DOWN AND THE- *ouch, stupid hands still hurt from them fireworks...so I can't finish my threat.*
  14. ....hehehe....ull nvr no

  15. Nobody picked Kurisu b/c she's already in my bed
  16. "I love you used tissue, u are my best friend in the world."

  17. Well that's because people Are plotting to STEAL MY ECHO, u bastards
  18. God ikr, they should do a DEARDROPS type of thing and just show their band life, anyways off topic. Wifu=echo, no pic cause once again, I'm lazy.
  19. pooh ECHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO u sexy beast
  20. I feel sad when the orginial cast of a series graduates and ppl think it's fine to replace them with other characters...though I never saw mpre than 2 eps of saki, just feels depressing. Like if they did that to k-on, I'd literally have to kill somebody.
  21. If I ABSOLUTELY had to....and I would only adopt her to kill get later on, it would hafta be Echo from Pandora Hearts secksie little thing, maybe I won't kill her (find the image urself, newbs )
  22. Welcome cyclone, most awesome... Yeah okay, I AM THE BEST FOOL!! @ cael, i agree, too bad they can't be as legit as us ( tsk tsk)
  23. Lol @ them dancing skills and his wiggly butt, not that I was looking *whistles*
  24. Oh i meant the 9th one but my phone loaded 2 slowly so i only counted six O_O and u already posted it so tys
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