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Everything posted by littleshogun

  1. Finally ChuSingura finale (Lame pun I know) was released. Here's the proof in case you didn't believe it. PS - If possible, could admin upload all of ChuSingura 46+1 here.
  2. Since we'll had Nurse Love Addiction (Hakuai) release at 7th, may I request admin Ivan to upload it in the future? Thanks in advance.
  3. Seeing the tile, I'd almost think that some idiot here requested Kara no Shoujo 2 game while we already had it here for long time. Anyway, for 100% save I'll give both Mediafire and 4share link, thanks to Jikorde.
  4. Surprise news. Apparently in next week, there will be another new release VN. The VN was from Kogado Studio and the premise was about yuri love in nurse school. Here's Steam store page for the proof Nurse Love Addiction on Steam.
  5. How about mine here https://mega.nz/#!O1NTxBCR!HRR-alBHoW_nKzEAFVSVvmgvA2UZgOCQRbzHwGlZthY. If you want made it balance, just did some calculation from the choice in the walkthrough. But if you want to focused on one heroine, it's very easy. Just choose every choice that favor the heroine and made sure that you made the heroine team up with Nozomu for extra affection point (And of course had Nozomu defeat the enemy, because every time you beat the enemy you'll gain affection point if Nozomu with the heroine. More if you defeat heart enemy). By the way, the route that you could get was Satsuki,
  6. https://www.jastusa.com/seinarukana-the-spirit-of-eternity-sword-2.html Above was the link to Seinarukana Download Version. It was released today, and hopefully our admin could upload it soon.
  7. To Marco, according to the walkthrough at Fuwanovel, it was simple enough. Just finished one route (No need to be Miu) and you should able to play bonus route. Oh, by the way the bonus route was translated. Speaking about Miu's route, the people at Fuwanovel decided to translated last half of Miu's route and will bring it at earliest 2 months (Hopefully, but I think it could be around 3 or 4 months I suspect). Just hope it's going well.
  8. Maybe some of them already played it, but since the font for those 2 games were awfully thin, I decided to share the font patch that allowed us to play it with better font, although for Kira Kira the font was slight worse than Da Capo one though (But still much better than previous font). The reason I posted it here because this is more technical problem I think. Anyway, here's the link to the font patch below Da Capo Kira Kira Hope those font patches above will help people who didn't appreciate the default font from Mangagamer. Oh, to activated the patch, just extract it in game fold
  9. Tokyo Babel will be released on March 31st, while Flower unfortunately delayed by JAST (Is there any surprised, although this time supposedly to fix the messy translation though).
  10. The solution was easy enough. Change the date (Yes, I didn't type it wrong) to any date before February 28th, 2016. It could be release date of this game, or if you feel lazy you could just change the year before 2016, and as long as you remember it's 2016, you should not had any problem.
  11. I think the reason Kindred Spirit was not uploaded yet probably had some connection with payment system down from MangaGamer. I didn't know what's admin habit here of how he choose to purchase VN, but he's probably will using MangaGamer site to order Kindred Spirit after release, and here's come the bad news about fraud credit card purchasing (Causing the payment system down in first place because the provider block MangaGamer payment) and Haruka's delayed released. Oh well, and for more info, I'd tried to search the download link, but no result. Hopefully by March, Kindred Spirit will be uplo
  12. Lesson from the stalled project: If project from Yuzusoft or August show some progress, it's mean that the one who wrote it either retard, mentally ill, or already want to end their life. End of story. (Sorry, just a little heated up)
  13. @ale137 Well if you want to know the answer probably because many desperate people asking when it will be finished and it cause the page to inflate to 37 page forum and also many newbie in Fuwa had the first post there(2-3 if I remember). Also many desperate people too say Merry Christmas in that forum which annoy the starter of course (probably in regard of disappear hacker who rumored will be appear in Christmas. I bet people who said merry Christmas is probably preparing rope to hang themselves if the patch is not appear). And also many people who said good luck which their intention is pro
  14. Soukoku no Arterial, if only the vote also agree for machine translation Since the vote don't agree with it, so Kichikuou Rance for VN 2014
  15. Clannad retranslation eh? Nah since I'm not native english speaker maybe i should use current translation since if this available here that mean I should be at least could be understand all the text incorrect translation aside. Well, since I could read Soukoku no Arterial quite well(using wiki, voice and incoherent translation) maybe Clannad is better in english text. Of course that depend on the people and no I don't advice to rely on machine translation but well it depend on people once again. By the way that was quite nice Yoake portrait killerinside
  16. Wot that a scary CG. Kinda hope she was dead when the crazy people stab her eyes though. By the way since you have PC version could you upload or just share the link to download the game please. Sorry and thanks. And is Cartagra playable without crack?
  17. Good News. Today Cartagra is now released. Will admin upload Cartagra quickly along with d2b vs Deardrops? Sorry and thanks in advance
  18. Excuse me, but looks like admin kinda slow to upload Kichikuou Rance. Would it be okay if I upload it here. If not it's okay. Thanks in advance
  19. Well I'm aware at that option of course. Yeah it's kinda pointless I know. But people at 4chan is far more hot headed when they saw Insem twitter post I think and flaming him continuously. That's the internet culture I'm suppose. Sorry once again. Speaking about update today Koinatsu hit 49%. Hope it will end well unlike Majikoi or Dracu Riot, though if I can give advice to the translator, that would be just do the translation all by yourself if you can work that fast. Although guess each group has different policy I'm suppose
  20. Dracu Riot eh? Too bad the only choice right now is either using ATLAS or just let the rage burn inside you. I bet even Insem was too busy masturbate with Miu and his girlfriend so he was probably make up the progression and only translate Elina route while he spending time he make his girlfriend into prostitution and he must be turn on by watching his girlfriend raped by old man 300 times. That would be explained why he asking money. Sorry kinda out of control there. Guess we better stop talking about useless translator like him. I just wish I could erase the memory if Dracu Riot is transl
  21. Looks good anyone tried the patch? Can I request the patch to be uploaded here in add on file? Sorry and thanks. To be honest the reason is MEGA is quite a pain to use from my laptop. Sometimes not working and sometimes working very well but stopped near the end. By the way the patch only working with digital version so I give torrent link here NT > Fate/stay night [Realta Nua] for Windows Thanks in advance once again and sorry if it's wrong game
  22. Well the prologue is not that bad, especially before imoutos screen before suddenly back to Japan text until the opening. After that is MT which the quality is, well crap. But you can still pick up some dialogue if the girl is talking though (like Kamidori only girl are voiced) and the text at least will help to figure it out (obviously not if one fluent at reading Japan and not using dialogue patch) Anyway I will say that I looking forward to the manual translation patch that will be 100% translated all the dialogue. For the patch I did checking using 100% save file there are some untransl
  23. My my apparently everybody just love in debating for kanji matter I'm suppose last time I saw VNDB and it turn into pendel and overmage debating about kanji analogy or something like that. The thread about Monobeno if curious In any case I guess good for JAST, though I rather see if Seinarukana get golden master though IMO but maybe it is not the time yet (regardeng osadai fandisc)
  24. Actually it is already at 100% for quite a week but no one edited it I'm suppose. Also you can download the MSD files for Sono Hana 9 and 10 and place MSD Files in the game folder thanks to people in VNDB for point it out. By the way all text according to him all english but expect typo for 10 though since this is only 1 people finished the editing. And the menu choice are still in English but it should be easy to read though if you play Sono Hana since it is basically the same. For the walkthrough I will post the helpful link since walkthrough for Sono Hana is quite hard to found and here is
  25. Hello again. For Sono Hanabira 10 looks like there were not many people noticed, but can you add next week that for the update Sono Hanabira 10 already all translated and 1 of 3 editors already editing all the scripts and TLC it. Sorry if I bothered you but here's the proof from the website wiki:lily_platinum [Yuri Project]
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