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Everything posted by radiantmadness

  1. [spoiler= because too big] http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/116/a/3/eba_yuzuki___kimi_no_iru_machi_by_akije_hirodi-d633rqc.jpg http://files-cdn.formspring.me/photos/20120518/n4fb5e1d6e463e.jpg
  2. After all the suggestions Gerard and others gave, there is not much to say except: welcome!
  3. ^^ No idea who it is, but he looks awesome as avatar, 8.5/10
  4. Yep, and then a certain someone sadly took away the protag title :'( Nonetheless, I hope you'll keep liking it and don't drop it like me
  5. My lord, some certain trap-loving people just don't feel like resting till the VNTS is a pile of shit again
  6. Nicuh: Hatsuyuki Sakura - new project starting from scratch, other project has been dropped Coμ - Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku - 27775/51433 (54%) lines translated, common/Benio route partial patch out, Hisoka route fully translated Kourin no Machi - 11239/36959 (30.4%) lines translated Very nicuh: 12Riven -the Ψcliminal of integral - 29.5/72 scripts translated I/O - All scripts and tips translated. 110/249 scripts and 50/256 tips edited Also, for a nukige at least, that new MG eroge doesn't look halve bad.
  7. A pity there's no longer video of this, this small part is just too random, nonetheless had to revive this thread for Fenny's Monja's sake:
  8. ''Though, I'll definitely say that the VN is worth it for the audio and visual effects alone'' ''The nature and the mystery surrounding this character somehow reminded me of a certain anime called Jigoku Shoujo'' Anyhow, though we disagree on this VN, well written review.
  9. ^ sounds good, didn't know the manga.... Molester man is on my to read list since forever though
  10. radiantmadness


    Seems those loli's are gonna have a horrible time according to the tags... But hey, to say this the Ulti meme way: http://i.imgur.com/McpnAm6.jpg
  11. nurahiyon no mago, amusing and less shounen chliched than I had expected beforehant. Also gets bonus points for: http://static1.minitokyo.net/view/46/49/494996.jpg
  12. Just drivin' mah boat in this topic: http://www.iomguide.com/douglas/photos/seacat-big.jpg
  13. that's a pity, not that I was particular excited for DR, but it looked decent nonetheless... at least there's another I/O update
  14. how is Yumina? hearing different opinions about it so far.
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