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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. wait a minute.. how does an E came from S??? im gonna build a TURRET in my base~
  2. wow... thats heavy... i bet.. it's Mashiro all over???
  3. better dont.. like i've said.. its just tangent.. wait till TEMPEST gain..then you'll get what i mean~
  4. urgh... it's kinda stupid iof anyone do that.. then you cant hear Tomoyo's sweet voice calling Tomoya~
  5. i'll provide a TANGENT of support~
  6. haiz.. so sad... i tot there's a lot of moe and bitter sweet lover out there.. why nobody understand mayucchi's charm??/?
  7. well. at least i understand nihon-go to a certain level.. just sometimes i hate the MC words..
  8. well.. i thought if she's happy.. you also be happy~
  9. then again.. it seems hilarious that all in his mind is to fuck/rape any girl that comes to his sight.. it does make me sad as he deceive the archer( i forgot her name)
  10. was it me.. or you being TAUNT-ed by everyone??? XD
  11. actually.. its not just in the anime.. if you read the her route properly.. Tomoya remember that he used to play with Kotomi when small...
  12. Fujinami Tomoko from Canvas 2... I'll never leave her alone again~
  13. yosh..yosh... good girl mashiro// i understand.. life though without a job... it's killing me right now too..
  14. yeah.. she's really cute.. especially when she's indicisive.. somehow.. she's remind me bout Horizon Ariadust~' oh.. Amanr kinda cute too.. but it seems Mayuri's route are written nicely~
  15. haha... so you still have something there though i though it's an EXCLUSIVE word for you
  16. yeah... but for me Kyou comes after Tomoyo for their route.. i'm kinda immune to Kotomi route style... kinda felt like a common story now... Tomoyo sure will make your heart melt...
  17. haha.. of course i need to pay tribute to our mashiro-lover... futhermore.. its better to get a guide when at germany~
  18. i know you aim at haruhi.. but you wan2 take tomoyo also?? haha... i know you love mashiro.. haiz.. too bad nearly all my top 10 are chosen.. so i'll stick to Mayucchi for now.. although now i'm all heels for Shiragi Mayuri from flyable heart..you should try her route although tje translation sucks its too obvious~
  19. gotten used to it!!!!!! OMG>... im kinda pitiful with you.... well...at least Nemu doesn't give you thousands of trouble.. other than Kotori route to be precise~
  20. not just satisfied.. it's total sadness when your beloved country fall into turmoil.. especially it became the one you hate the most... oh.. definitely... from all the knowledge i know.. it was one of my top 5 country to live after im ready for migration... btw.. which side of germany do you live??
  21. are you sure? i thought yours were ENGORGE~
  22. do you even watch the anime??? don tell me you don feel the annoyance of being weak,, complaining bout her ownself that she's useless and being a jerk all the time?? i mean.. even Nemu feels lot nicer and less annoying~
  23. well.. thats the cover they put up front... mostly there's too much for them to handle anyway... a good country thats fall down from their grace due to insensible and incompetence ruler~
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