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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. wait...just wait if not...just buy it >.> or you can go to the all friendly Fuwa~
  2. the manga was based on momoyo and the true route of this vn.. i advice you not to spoil yourself much~~
  3. oh..so finally... 619 trying to boast in this thread huh... well guess what.. you were those so called NOOBS which thinks he's smart kinda guy so...your opinion were invalid~~
  4. whats the point of translating a VN using machine translations??? its just the same as you reading a Jap VN with TA.. and if this stupid trends picked up... whats gonna happen to all those kind and hard working translator that translates properly for us??? Man..its just stupid to support machine translations.. and its discouraging if you guys planned to support it >.>
  5. wrong... FH translations is bad because its machine translations.. and it still bad unless it gets re-edit from the core.. but tenshin ranman is worst >.> thats not even ENGRISH.. its RUBBISH~~
  6. im not sure if this still works... but you can ask them to re-upload if the links were dead
  7. ultimecea

    Dengeki Stryker

    first...you piss me off!!!!! you can have the word col as part of your username but you aint cool!! for god sake... do you think everyone already read chou dengeki strykers???????? and heck!!!!! chou dengeki suppose to continue from the final route from Dengeki..,. and thats that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. seriously...i hope their teaser weren't in editing phase.. i mean..even they use simple daily english will yield better effects than current ones... >.> baa-chan..i cant even dared to bout it~
  9. desi..you b;ast at crane's forum??? man..you should tell him.. 'if you want ENGRISH..you would be using TA for all VNs by now;
  10. if only they will improve on their ENGLISH and do a better job on editing.. or not..it hurts but i cant see it happen in near future anyway
  11. im all in XD i finished my CP..and really looking forward for the sequel XD
  12. haiz... thats it... im done with that NOOB better take care of your ass in here.. you never knew whats gonna happen
  13. serious just die you faggot... all you wrote are stuffs that even the minority aint having problems with.. just you and you alone cant be MAN enough to take it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. this is actually correct.. and this can be proven in Chinese history where in olden days... Emperors and their relative from Qing dynasty actually married their cousins and sisters in order to prevent their "GOLDEN BLOOD" leaking to commoners... and for that... the subsequent rulers getting bad shape over generations and they actually falter//
  15. did i just read a whole load of bullshits??????? man... he needs to get a grip of himself.. a NEWBIE shouldnt get too much attention for their own good.. seriously... i cant even guarantee whats gonna happen next myself~~
  16. for the armor scenes.. you need to upgrade them to a certain extent that there will some cut scenes.. the you need to equip that armor and go to the map that have same element properties with the armor
  17. her INTER-GALACTIC attack... The DRILL MILKY PUNCH knock some sense onto me for thinking her being annoying~~
  18. im not taking credits for others post.. so here is the direct link that someone already posted in the forums refer this post~
  19. ultimecea


    actually its ok..because fuko's route are independent on her own.. while toshio's route are quite similar to Nagisa~~ and do you actually mean at start?? meaning toshio were your first route??
  20. stupid questions....... i dont mind getting a patch.. as long he keeps releasing it~~~
  21. lolz... do i fap just for the H scenes???? nope... i care more bout the scripts than anything >.> FUCK all the H scenes and give us NAKIGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Widenyo - Wide screen version of Mamanyonyo
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