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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. haiz..should do 2..i mean it'll cover the manga part more...
  2. well.i did read the chinese patch so im basically fucked up before anyway.. just waiting to read the english ones to enjoy Tomoyo^^
  3. Baa-chan... it actually tell everything that happen in Tomoyo After!!! so if you try to read it..you'll get troll because you are spoiled for life~~
  4. lolz....Nobu being trolll i said Aisha,...not KAN'U EEM... idk bout yuuko but.... how bout Silvia from Princess Lover! ???? well DotDot were talking about it and Silvia pop up
  5. max..princess maker 4 is fully translated right??? Any idea where to get a crack exe for win7x64??
  6. Rau...my chinese name or my kanji's version are 長谷川 Hasegawa (long valley river) 恭祐 Kyousuke (reverent aid) and its a cool name~m XD
  7. lolz..guys... actually its ok if the main heroines route are translated first since they are continuation to after story other than Miyako's route.. well dont bother to talk bout new story plus because it a total different route.. and for true route which is AGAVE route....its basically and the extra thing is
  8. close this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its a troll >.>
  9. damn lolicons.... no offence but im kinda hate pure lolicons...if you guys get what i mean... i mean they are those who think lolis are the best thing in the world and will do anything for it.. sorry if i make you guys angry or shit.. i dont hate loli..but i love them just..its creeps me out when those lolicons cant see anything but loli >.> in the end..this will turn them into a pedo..and leads to child abuse~~~~~~~~~
  10. wow.... i just randomly named 1 of those chara that affects me emotionally and Aisha gets the vote and she's winning?? XD
  11. main BAD GUY ans THE BAD ASS are the same for me... Vincent Valentine dont rank that much.... its more like Cecil in FFIV you can take Lulu for instance... he's a good guy..but he walked the path of EVIL for the sake of everything~~~~~~~~~
  12. hey..want to be the Bad Ass tooo.. after all Lulu and Ultimecea are top Bad Ass... well i dont mind settling as the Dark Hero~~
  13. Princess Lover! - VNTL Status Tracker this is what i mean~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  14. wellllll Sophie!!! the Best heroine out there.. seriously.... the "best"!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. chipp12..... its the latest from MG.. but i believe you wont have those stats unless your are involved internaly or non-members.. well..you can always drop by and read the updates here.. its updated every sunday on 6am +/- 0000hours GTZ...
  16. you are right but...it seems to me he didnt even past the lvl 4 map yet >.>
  17. teht..he just in chapter 1... even it was his 2nd play through..he wont get the chara soon~~~~
  18. hmmm... i guess it gave you tons of shock from mashiro~ XD and..tayutama were those hiragana released type >.>
  19. nah..im just being sarcastic... anyway... you start on NG+ with first play through or the second??
  20. >.> first..which chapter are you in... tell me that and i can tell you why~~ and second,,there's kamidori help thread in the forums...
  21. baa-chan....i know TA sucks.. but atlas are meant for kanji..
  22. that march 2012 was because they expect miyako's route was translated first.. well..curretly it was roughly near 40% or so...and i dont expect it to be out till november the latest... since taka-jun and crew are having real life problems at the moment.. and i cant check their updates since YandereTranslation webpage are out at the moment~~
  23. atlas works better with chinese aka kanji >.>
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