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New VN localization company: MoeNovel

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I prefer a crappy translated h-scene over no scene at all. In the end the art and music are more important and as long as you can recognize what's moaning, "Hazukashii~~~" and "I'm cumming for the fifth time!!!" is, there shouldn't be severe problems. And it's too early to say something about quality, because as of today we have just an announcement, nothing more. It's still very possible that we'll never see anything at all from them.

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In the end the art and music are more important and as long as you can recognize what's moaning, "Hazukashii~~~" and "I'm cumming for the fifth time!!!" is, there shouldn't be severe problems.

When you put it like that, you could just play the Japanese version alongside MoeNovel version, no? Because there really is nothing different about it at that point.

Edited by Gerard the Lone Wolf
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^ When I see "あなたのママは、脂肪と醜いです" I have no fucking clue what that means. When I see "AaAaAa" I can at least imagine a robot having it's climax. Edit: playing two versions next to each other would maybe work somehow, but it'S still worse than a restoration patch

Edited by Cross
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I even would be glad for the untranslated scenes in the english version as well, I'm not that picky^^ A better sollution would be a translation that at least let's you understand if he praised her body or said: "Your small breasts bring great dishonor to our glorious nation, Petan-chan! I shall punish you with the accursed meat sword, har har~~~"

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^ When I see "あなたのママは、脂肪と醜いです" I have no fucking clue what that means. When I see "AaAaAa" I can at least imagine a robot having it's climax. Edit: playing two versions next to each other would maybe work somehow, but it'S still worse than a restoration patch


i literally lol'd when i read that.


It means "your mother is fat and ugly". As for AaAaAa~.... *points at his Location*

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If Google translate could be used for more than converting funny insults into Japanese (and I bet it's wrong Japanese) we wouldn't need english versions.


It is wrong japanese , hence why i lol'd hard. But you did ask what it means and i gave you the rough translation.

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^ So you know what it means because you produced it yourself. Always making pointless stuff.



>People making fun of MoeNovel sloppy translation

>People openly declaring they don't mind MT as long as they could read/fap to H-scenes.


I lolled.

Edited by Gerard the Lone Wolf
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^pointless?? My highly original jest has a worth in itself, young sir!


Anyway: I never made fun about the translation, as long as it's somehow understandable. I was more annoyed of this subdiscussion, because it shifts the focus away from the shit that really matters.

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あなたのお母さんは脂肪と不細工ですよ would be more accurate.


Anata no okaasan wa shibou to busaiku desu yo! ; literally "your mother is fat and ugly!!!"


If theres any error on it then apologies , since im learning it myself.


EDIT: Just on a side note , this whole MoeNovel thing is getting older than john McCain.

Edited by iLoveTsundere
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I use the word, "people". Don't get too high of yourself there, Cross. And I thought you always liked random thread where people and troll talk and flame about stuff unrelated to main topic, or is this a different cross from VNDB who constantly derailed thread or attempting to every time he posted something?





You know that I produced this line with google translate myself

Still a better translation than Moenovel...

I never made fun about the translation, as long as it's somehow understandable
Edited by Gerard the Lone Wolf
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^There is no one who could live up to the original, you are talking to the one and only Cross. And this topic is actually very serious for me as I despise this whole tragedy around Moenovel. And my derail sessions were always triggered by some other guys, it's not like I'm spreading chaos just by myself....

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And this topic is atually very serious for me as I despise this whole tragedy around Moenovel.


Your tragedy involved only the absence of ero, and if it was there, I think you would defend MoeNovel horrible translation. And why not, you already approved of Aaeru Machine Translation.


And my derail sessions were always triggered by some other guys, it's not like I'm spreading chaos just by myself....

Well, you are almost like Luckypaper who can attract them to derail it...

And even though you said you were annoyed from this "side discussion", you will always keep replying and replying because you know that you can't help yourself from de-railing it.

Edited by Gerard the Lone Wolf
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I wouldn't give a shit about a "bad" translation if all the content from the JP version was there, true. A "machine translation" is still something different, see Flyable Heart for more information^^


And Luckypaper was just some mildly talented flamebaiter, no comparison to me. I also never just posted some bullshit, there was always some message, oppinion or joke (some might disagree, though - but that is a boring topic for most people, let's return to "If my Penis had wings").

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I'm not a fan of Aaeru but I don't see why people would complain about this. I think this will probably be the best thing we will get. Instead of it being poorly translated and censored it will only be poorly translated :p

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Well, you are almost like Luckypaper who can attract them to derail it...


Sounds complainy and is a comparison to Luckypaper as well. And you don't need to act so angry (namecalling???). Nothing I said was a grave insult that would justify such a dramatic answer. We should never forget that this is the internet, if you can't handle sarcasm and pointy humour than it's a problem.

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