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Visual Novels Translation Status [03/23/2014]

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Shin Koihime Musou is a whole lot longer than the original. It's also got different factions to play as, each with different storylines and endings.


STOP. If you say any more nice things about Shin it will be hard for us/me to wait ;-/

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Thanks to those translating Shin Koihime Musou, I can't wait for it to be released. I'll probably get it Day-One like I did with Koihime Musou (Yeah I did bought the voiceless version of the game since I knew it would at least get an unofficial voice restoration and I was right ^^).

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Hey guys... so I have some less good news. I'm really happy about RetroGoat and his team getting Shin Koihime Musous up and going (REALLY HAPPY ABOUT THAT!), but we've hit a bit of a roadblock for our team formation...


Life has decided to take me elsewhere.


I've been working on a lab project with another group of close friends, and we were getting our funding from the college. Fortunately, our project was seeing a lot of success. Like a lot. So much so, that the school couldn't afford to fund it any further, and we hit a dead end. In order to combat that, our team is now being funded by another school (which he have yet to decide on out of a pool of possibilities). What that means though, is that 37 of the team of 51, myself included (I'm the head of the project) are moving to another school starting after summer. I was just told this this morning by the dean. The only other person from the translation team that will be going with me of course, is Zoe, my girlfriend. Granted, she didn't have much to contribute to the team from the starting point outside of moral support and beta testing.


I'm really sorry to announce this guys, and I know it's technically on the wrong thread, but this is where it started and I promised to update it from. I tried from the bottom of my heart to make something cool happen, and apparently life just didn't want that to happen. From the sounds of it, the rest of the would-be team is going to try to do something on their own, but given that they've only just gotten halfway through their first practice game, (Oyako Lesson) they still have a long way to go if they want to take this further. Thank you for the support you guys gave me while we tried our hardest. I can't find the words to say how sorry I am for how this turned out.


TL;DR: New translation team died due to life.


Hold on, I missed this.




That is all

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When someone gets a hold of it and provides it to Ivan so he can upload it here, or if he himself acquires the game but I don't think it's possible to estimate a exact timeframe of when that might be.


The game was just released - MangaGamer Staff Blog » Blog Archive » Cho Dengeki Stryker Now On Sale! - so it could be hours or days, I'd get it myself but at 45$ ( http://www.mangagamer.com/detail.php?goods_type=1&product_code=111 ) it's currently out of my price range, there's the upgrade edition as well ( http://www.mangagamer.com/detail.php?goods_type=1&product_code=112 ) but that would require the user to own or have access to the previous Cho Dengeki game.


Oh and before I forget someone would also have to remove the online DRM before it would be playable for others without having a activation key.



Lastly it seems that Knight of Anal Tyranny (Which is nearly as bad as the name "Suck My Dick or Die!" which I think was made up for that game, Guerrilla something I think the actual translation was, possibly Rape Guerrilla Squad, which still isn't that good of a name.) anyway it now has a release date of April 25th - http://www.mangagamer.com/detail.php?goods_type=1&product_code=67

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45$ for an eroge....honestly man, that's how much I spent on my Project X Zone Limited Edition pretty much lol, no way i'd spend that much money on an eroge tbh.It's sad but it's true, I already have a gaming console to maintain through legal means, I have no money to maintain pc games as well outside of steam :p

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I don't mind high prices for high quality and long games, but I do dislike when a five hour game costs $30. I'll wait to hear if it's any good before I check out Chou Dengeki Stryker. $45 would be a lot for a game I play for three days.


Also, I'll start giving weekly updates on Shin Koihime Musou on the eroge news forum. Figured the timing would work out best to make it easier for me to post and everyone else to follow.

Edited by TheRetroGoat
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I don't mind high prices for high quality and long games, but I do dislike when a five hour game costs $30. I'll wait to hear if it's any good before I check out Chou Dengeki Stryker. $45 would be a lot for a game I play for three days.


Also, I'll start giving weekly updates on Shin Koihime Musou on the eroge news forum. Figured the timing would work out best to make it easier for me to post and everyone else to follow.


Yeah, if you think 30$ for a 5 hour game is a lot, then I'm just gonna go ahead and tell you to stay away from Metal Gear Solid : Ground Zeroes.1 hour and a half of a game for 30 dollars lol.20 if your version is digital, but still ridiculous.

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Yeah, if you think 30$ for a 5 hour game is a lot, then I'm just gonna go ahead and tell you to stay away from Metal Gear Solid : Ground Zeroes.1 hour and a half of a game for 30 dollars lol.20 if your version is digital, but still ridiculous.


In real life, I'm a gaming journalist. Covering that made me livid. Apparently it can be beaten in around ten minutes at this point. That's just lame. I'd be pissed if a five dollar weekend killer could be completed in that amount of time, let alone a heavily anticipated Triple A title.

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Yeah, if you think 30$ for a 5 hour game is a lot, then I'm just gonna go ahead and tell you to stay away from Metal Gear Solid : Ground Zeroes.1 hour and a half of a game for 30 dollars lol.20 if your version is digital, but still ridiculous.

A friend of mine bought Ground Zeroes (that idiot) last week and the game is indeed very short. It was fun though especially when you're trolling around and tried to kill every enemy instead of being a sneaky bastard. And you can also use vehicles iirc.


But yeah, 30€ for those at max 2 hours is way too much but well, this happens when a game becomes too popular.

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Koestl will stall or at least keep a very low priority on Grisaia no Meikyuu for now since it looks like he got hired to do an official translation

Guess I'll have to start reading it now then. Using VNR and my own knowledge.

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