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Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a shooting star-

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, i'm going to ask something so i skim thou. all previous 45 page and kind of give up since it way offfff- topic since around page 25 ...

but i'm glad that it came back to topic :)


Here is my Question. I Completed the game but story seem to unclear for Chihiro's background and Hisakaki sisters route



In Chihiro's background (Chinami's father) about the rumor of Grim reaper of love (Rin) that how the rumor came up that the Souichiro dicussing with Mayaka and Shino ... is Chihiro start the rumor himself or what?


and Hisakaki Sisters... who is the maiden that coming to sent Kosame off from the failure of Setsuna that she decide to protect Kosame ... the mysterios maiden that i hear only her voice and shadow in option menu ... and there another 2 shadow in option menu that didn't lit up yet it seem to be Chinami's dad and Komomo shadow (I can't remember when this voice appear)... did i miss some scene in the game ? or in meant to be a not appeared characters ?



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Well, i'm going to ask something so i skim thou. all previous 45 page and kind of give up since it way offfff- topic since around page 25 ...

but i'm glad that it came back to topic :)


Here is my Question. I Completed the game but story seem to unclear for Chihiro's background and Hisakaki sisters route



In Chihiro's background (Chinami's father) about the rumor of Grim reaper of love (Rin) that how the rumor came up that the Souichiro dicussing with Mayaka and Shino ... is Chihiro start the rumor himself or what?


and Hisakaki Sisters... who is the maiden that coming to sent Kosame off from the failure of Setsuna that she decide to protect Kosame ... the mysterios maiden that i hear only her voice and shadow in option menu ... and there another 2 shadow in option menu that didn't lit up yet it seem to be Chinami's dad and Komomo shadow (I can't remember when this voice appear)... did i miss some scene in the game ? or in meant to be a not appeared characters ?


About the rumor, maybe I'm wrong, but it is said that the rumor was started by that generation (chirhiro, souchiro shino, etc). What I'm really sure, is the maiden that attacked setsuna, it s not meant to appear on the game, but in the fandisk. Since I'm not using spoilers ill just say it without giving a huge plot spoiler to everyone that hasn't read the eroge: setsuna mentions her last name.. With that last name I figured who it was, or you didn't read it in chinami's route clearly?

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Well, Souichiro did say to Mayaka that they has to leave that to You generation to find out themselve so I expected that it they will tell us somewhere in the game ....


and the 3 characters will be reveal in the fan disk .. ? Hmmmm .. too bad it not been translate :(

I don't remember the name , I play Hisakaki sisters route first so I maybe not recognise the name when in chinami route, may be i will load and play it again >

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somebody please mach trans Eternal heart XD

i don't care if it's scary unreadable like flyable heart, at least it will be far more understandable

than attempting to read with my poor japanese ¬¬


Agh.. I'll probably end up learning japanese first...


I thought someone was talking about translating Eternal Heart somewhere around here.



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  • 3 weeks later...

too bad they didn't translating more VN .... but I understand, I use to be Fan-subber myself (Anime+Trailer) but after awhile it feel to busy and want some rest (but for me after some rest i feel like i didn't want to do more XP )


oh, i have one more question.



why aunt shino can't have a child !?!?!?

they told in the story that she can't have a child, but why !?!?!



thx for answering for previous one too.

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I guess I'll burst in here without reading the previous 40 pages by asking: why do you guys like this VN? (haven't read it yet) Has it amazing heroines? or amazing plot twists? or something else maybe...


hope you guys can answer my question because I'm doubtfull whether to read this or not...

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I guess I'll burst in here without reading the previous 40 pages by asking: why do you guys like this VN? (haven't read it yet) Has it amazing heroines? or amazing plot twists? or something else maybe...


hope you guys can answer my question because I'm doubtfull whether to read this or not...


Because it has amazing romance. The love-stories in this VN are pure-love stories(i.e : two lovers overcome difficulties together type)

It also has a wide-range of heroines.Energetic,tsundere,imouto,loli,caring etc.

It also has plot twist but that is not so amazing.


Basically,if you like slice of life VN with pure romance,this is definitely a must.Otherwise,50 - 50 .

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